Aime Cupid

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Aime Everes Cupid

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Aime Everes Cupid

Parent(s): Chariclo Arganthone Cupid (CA Cupid) (mother) and Adonis Grotesque (father)

Story: Mythology (Psyche and Cupid)

Destined Role: Eros

Side: Rebel

Age: 15

Roommate: Hazel Ella

Gender: She/Her

Sexuality: Straight

Character Scale: 👸 (Category 1: Lead)

Secret Heart's Desire: Well, I want people to have true love stories instead of just fighting with each other. Believe me, it exists!

My 'Magic' Touch: I can make anyone fall in love with my magical arrows. Well, anyone but Devious Queen!

Storybook Romance: Well, I got my eyes for SOMEONE, for sure. But I fear I will end up like my mother!

Oh 'Curses!' Moments: I hate how I am so anxious and nervous around people. I wish I could be more like Mom-cool and confident.

Powerful Qualities: Sensitive, Caring, Friendly.

Personality Type: INFP (Altruistic, Poetic, Nurturing - Mediators) 

Most Favorite Subject: Mythology. It isn't everyday you learn about your own family! 🥰

Least Favorite Subject: Physhex. I'm a demigod and I don't really need any physics.

BFFAs: Icelynn, Rebellious, Blake and Hazel are my besties. At least they said so...

WFFAs: No one till now. Or in an eternity.

Siblings: None. I'm neutral about this.

Family (Others): Eros (maternal grandfather), Psyche (maternal grandmother), Aphrodite (maternal great-grandmother), Ares (maternal great-grandfather)

Blondie Lockes-Bearskin (godmother)

Hobbies: Matchmaking, writing stories, singing, playing the harp, poetry.

Likes: Music, rabbits, vintage jewellery, scarves, hearts, making her loved ones happy, rain, treehouses, true love, acrobatics.

Dislikes: Crowds, aggressive people, her so-called admirers, archery (I suck at it), strawberry-flavored food, running out of Drachmas (a Grecian currency).

Birthday: April 26

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Favorite Food/Drink: I've got a craving for Cookie's delectable fairyberry cupcakes.

Pet: Hart, my dear Pegasus.

Name Origin: This character is inspired by GardenofDaisy in EAH fandom. Do see all her work; it's amazing! Anyway, her name comes from 'Aime', the French word for love, and 'Everes', the scientific name of the Cupido butterfly subgenus. The middle name 'Everes' is also the name of the husband of the mythological nymph Chariclo, which is the name of her mother.

Class Schedule: Storytelling 101, Mythmatics, Florestry, Faunology, Physhex, Chemythstry, Hextory, Geografairy, Societale Studies, Mythology, Magicology, Philosofay, Fashion Design, Psycrownology, Cooking Class-ic, Muse-ic, Physicastle Education.

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