Alexia 'Lexi' Hearts

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Alexia 'Lexi' Victoria Hearts-Wondercharm

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Alexia 'Lexi' Victoria Hearts-Wondercharm

Parent(s): Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Hearts (mother) and Charles 'Charlie' Wondercharm (father)

Story: Alice in Wonderland

Destined Role: Queen of Hearts

Side: Royal

Age: 15 and a half, precisely.

Roommate: Dazzling Charming

Gender: She/her

Sexuality: Pansexual

Secret Heart's Desire: To want everyone to realize that I'm not my family.

My 'Magic' Touch: I can have the ability to construct anything out of cards and to chop things with my finger, just like my mom.

Storybook Romance: Yeah, right! Okay fine! I kind of like Julian Dancer... I mean, a lot!

Oh 'Curses!' Moments: I blabber Riddlish when I'm nervous or excited.

Powerful Qualities: Confident, Responsible, Homely.

Most Favorite Subject: Cooking Classic. I just like to bake a lot of tarts! And they are DELICIOUS!

Least Favorite Subject: Riddlish. Why the hex do we need to learn a balmy, new language, when we already have English?

BFFAs: All the Wonderlandians, Dazzling, Primrose and other princesses.

Siblings: None, I just have a couple of cousins...

Family (Others): Victoria Hearts (maternal grandmother), Edward Hearts (maternal grandfather), Nevaeh Wondercharm (paternal grandmother), Alaric Wondercharm (paternal grandfather).

Darling and Chase Charming-Redford (maternal aunt and uncle), Caissa, Astrid and Chester Charming-Redford (maternal cousins), Rubaline and Flanagan Redford (parents of Chase - uncle's adoptive parents), Vallery and Whyatt Jack-Whiteford (maternal aunt and uncle - Lizzie's cousin and cousin-in-law), Whitney and Walter Jack-Whiteford (maternal cousins).

(Also indirectly related to Dexter, Daring, Raven, Rosabella, Apple and other Charming family members.)

Kitty Cheshire (godmother), Alistair Riddell-Wonderland (godfather)

Interests: Cooking, Baking, Sewing, Croquet and Equestrian

Birthday: April 21

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Favorite Food/Drink: Crones, strawberries, and cream.

Pet: Tempest, my corgi.

Name Origin: Well, Alexander is a well-known ruler, so Lizzie got inspired and chose the name 'Alexia'. Also, 'Lexi' is a diminutive for the names 'Alexia' and 'Alexis', and it kind of matches with the name 'Lizzie'. The middle name Victoria is the name of her maternal grandmother which means 'victorious' or 'victory'.

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