Ebony Queen-Charming

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Ebony Reliable Mavis Queen Charming

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Ebony Reliable Mavis Queen Charming

Note: Her official Charming name is Reliable, but her real name is Ebony

Parent(s): Raven Queen Charming (mother), Dexter Charming Queen (father)

Story: Unknown

Destined Role: Already given above

Side: Rebel (though acting Royal)

Age: 14.5

Roommate: Darcelle Thorn

Gender: She/her

Sexuality: Pansexual

Secret Heart's Desire: To help people with technology, wit and magic.

My 'Magic' Touch: I have dark magic like my siblings and my mother and I sorta have the good ol' Charming aura that keeps people flocked around me.

Storybook Romance: I am single as hex and I'm proud of it! No really, I haven't thought of that yet.

Oh 'Curses!' Moments: People only consider me as some helpless princess with two famous elder siblings and that I cannot help them successfully. Their loss, I don't care.

Powerful Qualities: Cool-headed, Helpful, Outspoken

Most Favorite Subject: Magicology. What else am I supposed to be a fan about?

Least Favorite Subject: Crownculus and Mythmatics. I have a bit of numerophobia or fear of numbers. Or call it an annoyance.

BFFAs: Madison, Darcelle, Devious, Everett, Rhythm and Calypso. I have a long list of friends I cannot dictate.

Siblings: Devious and Rebellious Queen Charming (elder brother and sister)

Family (Others): Delightful Charming (paternal grandmother), Dashing Charming (paternal grandfather), Evelyn Queen (maternal grandmother), Malcolm Queen (maternal grandfather).

Darling Charming Redford (paternal aunt), Chase Redford Charming (yes, he adopted the Charming heritage too) (paternal uncle), Daring Charming (paternal uncle), Rosabella Beauty Charming (paternal aunt), Caissa, Astrid and Chester Charming Redford (paternal cousins – Darling and Chase's children), Dazzling, Regal and Radiant Beauty Charming (paternal cousins – Daring and Rosabella's children)

Apple White Charming (distant paternal aunt - cousin once removed), Gallant Charming (distant paternal uncle - cousin once removed), David White Charming (paternal second cousin)

Cerise Hood and Cedar Truthwood (godmothers)

Interests: Technology, Gaming, Listening to music, Food, Magic

Birthday: October 25

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Favourite Food/Drink: Please bring some French Fairies, a Grantola bar and Purple Poison smoothie from Storybucks. They're perfect!

Pet: Blaze, my pet tarantula

Name Origin: Her official Charming name Reliable interprets her cheerful and energetic character. The name Ebony means 'deep black wood' and is related to her mother's legacy. Her middle name Mavis means 'songbird' and is also related to her mom's background.

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