Jett Darling

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Jett Aerion Darling

Parent(s): Josephine Darling (adopted mother)

Story: Peter Pan

Destined Role: John Darling

Side: Rebel

Age: 16 years and 2 months.

Roommate: Krosby O'Dile

Gender: He/him

Sexuality: Heterosexual or Bisexual, I think.

Secret Heart's Desire: To travel to many places, SOLO. Yes, solo on an airplane.

My 'Magic' Touch: I can speak and read in any language (though I am not sure about writing). Yeah, thank ol' Tinker Bell for that.

Storybook Romance: Sabrina Smee is a darling without being one! (Did ya get that joke?)

Oh 'Curses!' Moments: People think I'm offensive because I ask too many questions. I'm just naturally curious!

Powerful Qualities: Talented, Swift, Funny

Most Favorite Subject: Y'all think it's Muse-ic. Sadly, no; it's Geografairy.

Least Favorite Subject: Muse-ic, ironically. The normal music is such a bore! Though, I do love Mel Piper.

BFFAs: The Pipers and the Neverlandians. For now.

Siblings: I'm an only child!

Family (Others): Johnathan Darling (maternal grandfather), Mabel Darling (maternal grandmother).

Wendell Darling (maternal uncle), Wilhelmina Scarlet (maternal aunt-by marriage), Pietra Darling-Pan (maternal aunt), Talon Lily (maternal uncle-by marriage), Miguel Darling (maternal uncle), Phineas Merwing (maternal uncle-by marriage)

Wendolyn and Wilson Darling (maternal second cousins - Wendell and Wilhelmina's children), Pierson and Talia Darling-Pan Lily (maternal second cousins - Pietra and Talon's children), Mikayla Darling (maternal second cousin - Miguel and Phineas' child)

Tinsel Bell (godmother)

Interests: Music, rapping, traveling, geography, jokes and puns.

Birthday: July 2

Zodiac Sign: Cancer, tho I am like a Leo or Gemini. Or perhaps a Sagittarius.

Favourite Food/Drink: Nachos and orange juice.

Pet: Icarus, my TRAINED parrot.

Name Origin: Jett means 'black stone' and depicts the air. Aerion means 'powerful, bold and/or charismatic' and symbolizes the aviation taken place in Jett's story.

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