Chapter 5

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Emily stirred from her slumber, the blaring alarm pulling her from the depths of her dreams. Her half-closed eyes squinted at the time on her Apple Watch, signaling the need to rouse her sister for school. With a sleepy yawn, she dragged herself to Amber's room and rapped on the door, her voice a mixture of drowsiness and urgency.

"Amber, rise and shine! School awaits," Emily mumbled, her words slurred by the remnants of sleep. After urging her sister to don a jacket in the chillier weather, she descended the stairs to start her day.

In the kitchen, Emily sipped her coffee, its flavor enhanced by a generous pour of caramel creamer. Her phone's screen lit up with a call from her best friend, Casey, and she greeted her with a yawn, still in the process of waking up.

"Hey Casey, what's cooking?" Emily said, her voice reflecting her morning drowsiness.

Casey's voice came through on the line, her tone gentle. "Not much, just wondering if you're free to hang out."

Emily nodded, even though her friend couldn't see her. "Funny you should call. I was just about to ring you. Can you come over to Grandma's place?" she asked, her voice still heavy with sleep.

"Sure thing. I'll be there in about two hours," Casey agreed.

"Perfect," Emily replied with a contented smile, her fatigue momentarily forgotten. "Love you."

"Love you too," Casey returned before ending the call.

Two hours later, the sound of Casey's car pulling into the driveway signaled her arrival. Emily rushed to the door, embracing her friend warmly. Their bond had weathered many storms, and Casey had been Emily's constant support during her tumultuous times.

"Hey, how's everything going?" Casey inquired softly as they settled on the living room couch.

"We're managing, but we haven't had a proper chance to grieve," Emily confided, her sigh carrying the weight of her sorrow.

Casey's expression hardened with indignation. "What? Why haven't you taken time off?" she asked with fiery compassion.

Emily shook her head. "I got fired by Brenda because I forgot to call in on the first day. And as for grieving, it's a bit complicated... There's a portal under this house."

Casey's eyes widened with disbelief, grappling with the astounding revelation. "Wait, hold on... Have you actually seen this portal?" she inquired tentatively.

Emily groaned in frustration, running her fingers through her hair. "See, now you think I'm crazy!"

Casey hurried to clarify, "No, no, I don't think that at all. I'm just trying to understand. What's inside this portal?"

"I'm not entirely sure. It's like an alternate universe, or something," Emily explained, her voice quivering slightly. She reached for her coffee and took a sip to steady her nerves.

Leaning closer, Casey's eyes brimmed with concern. "And you've been inside this universe?"

"Casey, I was inside it! I talked to people, saw these horse-like creatures that weren't horses... I can't make sense of it!" Emily exclaimed, her anxiety laid bare.

"You had me at horse creatures. Let's go," Casey declared with unabashed enthusiasm. Her deep passion for horses had driven her career in the equine industry, where she managed racehorses and even owned a thriving ranch of her own.

"Casey, no! It's far too risky. We have no idea what's on the other side," Emily pleaded, attempting to dissuade her determined friend.

"Come on, think of the adventure! Besides, it'll prove once and for all that you're not crazy," Casey teased, a sly grin on her face, well aware that she was swaying the argument in her favor.

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