Chapter 28 (WARNING)

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In the dream realm, after a few moments, Skyler slowly began to wake up. She let out a small groan as she sat up, noticing his body still beside her. She glanced around, puzzled by the scene before her.

"There's no way it's already morning," she whispered softly to herself, carefully squirming out from under him. She made her way over to the window, peering outside. The kingdom stretched before her, and the sun illuminated most of it. However, there was an unusual phenomenon at a certain distance—it appeared as if a dense, gray fog obscured everything beyond. Skyler tilted her head, contemplating the strange sight.

"Could this be a dream?" she mused aloud, moving to the mirror and pinching herself. Feeling no pain, she quickly realized the truth—it was indeed a dream. It had been so long since she hadn't had a nightmare that she almost didn't know how to react.

Her eyes shifted back to the dragon lying nearby. In this dreamlike reality, they were the only inhabitants of the kingdom.

"Why are you here?" she wondered silently, shaking her head. Her gaze then dropped to the bloodstains on her dress, and she let out a sigh. "I really liked this, too," she whispered to herself.

Returning her attention to him, she couldn't help but admire the beauty of his form and the immense size of the dragon. Everything felt remarkably real, as if she were truly awake and not in a dream.

In the dream realm, Sky contemplated her surroundings. With a small fire briefly dancing on her hand, she smiled at the almost magical display. The flame extinguished as quickly as it had appeared, leaving her intrigued. "I like this kind of dream," she remarked to herself, her gaze wandering around the room as she started to explore.

Moving around without prying or feeling intrusive, she eventually found herself near the bed. She flopped back onto it, her curiosity growing. "How the hell do I wake up?" Sky wondered quietly before closing her eyes and drifting back into slumber.

In the real world, Sky woke with a start, her eyes adjusting to the dim surroundings. She let out a small sigh and rubbed her tired eyes. Only a few minutes had passed as her body fought off sleep.

She returned to gently stroking the dragon's head, her hand sliding to his horns as she stared up at the ceiling. "Thank you," she whispered softly to him. "I know I've said it enough, and I know you probably don't want to hear it anymore, but you did something that I alone could never repay you for. You gave me a second chance at life."

Her sleepy eyes met his, and she gave him a warm smile, tilting her head to admire his eyes. "You have beautiful eyes... as both a human..." She yawned softly. "And a dragon," she added with a small giggle, gently poking his nose before nuzzling into his warm body. She let out a heavy sigh before taking a deep breath.

"Goodnight, Noctis," she whispered softly, finally allowing sleep to consume her once more.


Sky snapped back into this dream world, groaning softly as she pushed her hair back from her face. "Why am I back here? What the hell, where are the nightmares... the countless sleepless nights, huh?" She mumbled to herself, letting out a heavy sigh as she rubbed her face and shook her head. "No, this is good, right? Maybe I can finally get a full day's sleep... But I feel like I'm awake, so what the hell do I do until I actually wake up? Maybe exploring, yeah, maybe that would be fine... Give me something to do until my body wakes up." Sky pondered softly before making her way to the door.

As soon as Noctis entered her embrace, his world seemed to melt away. The rage and chaos that had consumed him dissipated, leaving behind a serene calmness, like a fresh snowfall on the ground. Sky's slender fingers cupped his maw and traced delicately across his scales, sending shivers down both their spines. Azure eyes locked onto her with intensity, and as they drew closer, he and his dragon picked up a familiar scent – blood? It piqued their curiosity, as Noctis had previously checked for injuries and found none.

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