Chapter 19

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The force of the collision made her gasp for breath, and she looked down to find herself shielded by a pair of wings. Confusion and a whirlwind of emotions overwhelmed her – anger, sadness, fear, relief, all blending together.

Turning to face the man who had just saved her life, she didn't hesitate to grasp his offered talon, using it to cut her bindings. With her hands finally free, she turned to confront the onlookers who had gathered. The king's voice rang out, giving orders to the guards and hunters.

"Guards! Get them, hunters prepare your bows!" The king shouted. The king's command echoed through the chaos, and his guards swiftly sprang into action.

The guards, driven by the king's orders, managed to disperse the agitated crowd and aimed their weapons at Skylar and her enigmatic rescuer. With a tense atmosphere settling over the scene, they watched the pair closely, prepared to react to any potential threat.

The area quickly filled with guards, and Skylar wasted no time. She removed her shoes and tore her dress, preparing herself for a swift escape. "I didn't ask to be saved, but thank you," Sky said quickly, realizing that escape was their only chance for survival. She knew the kingdom like the back of her hand, a familiarity that most guards lacked.

Placing a hand on her savior's shoulder, she nodded to him. "I will not allow you to take them all on and risk your life, trust me," she whispered with a soft smile. Adam, a familiar face from her past, called for her surrender, holding his hands up to show peace.

"Skyler, I am gonna give you one chance to surrender," Adam yelled, stepping forward with his hands up to signal peace.

"Adam, you have always been kind to me," Sky responded sternly, her determination shining through. "But you know as well as I do, I still have so much fight left. I will not die allowing this to happen."

With fierce resolve, Sky hurled her shoe with all her strength. The heel of the shoe struck a guard's eye, causing him to scream out in agony. As everyone turned to look, Sky immediately grabbed her savior's hand and pulled him away from the chaotic scene. They swiftly disappeared behind a building and into an alleyway. Her heart pounded with panic as she rested her hand on her neck.

She could hear the guards' screams as they initiated their search. Sky moved with her companion, signaling him to be silent by placing her finger over her mouth and making a shushing noise. Gently, she grasped a doorknob and slowly pushed the door open, slipping inside the room. Her breath came in heavy gasps as she leaned on a desk, her chest rising and falling with each shaky breath. Terrified, she replayed the events in her head, considering her options and best-case scenarios. Her eyes then shot to him, a mixture of softness, anger, and confusion in her gaze. "Why, why are you here?" Sky asked quickly, moving away from the table. "You're not supposed to be here. I... I had this planned! Why... they said something." She sighed heavily, shaking her head, referring to the dragons she freed. "Fuck, okay... okay, it's fine. You're not dead, I'm not dead. I can still get you out before they call in the big guns," Sky said quickly, looking at him. "Meaning I have about 15-20 minutes to get you out of the kingdom before every hunter within a 20-mile radius is busting down every single door looking for you."

She motioned him over to the desk where she pulled out a map of Bradford, giving him a kind smile. "Thankfully, you're dealing with the smartest person in the kingdom, so we may have a chance if we think before they do," Sky said quickly, grabbing a quill and ink. She began to mark X's on the map, her eyes falling on him.

"The X's are places to avoid at all costs. The people here are dumb as hell, so the last place they will think to look is my own home. The first place they will look is around the area you saved me from. Then they will be moving to the roads, so our best bet is sticking to alleys. Once we reach the forest, we are in the clear..." She said, going silent, looking at him. Her eyes softened as she gently put away the map. "Since you're here, I am assuming they all made it back safely. You have... no idea how much relief that brings me. But now, my goal is getting you out alive," Sky said quickly, looking at him closely.

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