Chapter 6

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Emily and Casey continued to sift through the boxes, their curiosity guiding their search. Amidst the assortment of items, Casey's keen eyes fell upon an old, ancient-looking book adorned with peculiar symbols and intricate metal accents. The book's front cover featured a striking design—an ornate gold and black gun motif, an unexpected juxtaposition that piqued their interest. On the spine of the book, the golden letters spelled out "Dresia," adding an air of luxury to its enigmatic appearance.

Casey couldn't contain her excitement. "Hey, could this be something we're looking for?" she inquired, joining Emily on the bed and presenting the book for closer inspection.

Emily delicately opened the book, her fingers brushing against the fragile, time-worn pages. As she turned a few pages, relief washed over her; the text was in English, a language she could readily understand. However, her journey through the book took an intriguing turn when she stumbled upon a small page, embellished with exquisite calligraphy at the top. It bore her name, elegantly written as if specifically intended for her.

Emily's heart quickened, and she leaned closer to read the mysterious message that awaited her within the pages of this enigmatic book.


Hello dear, I know when you read this you have discovered this amazing world. Unfortunately, I also believe you will experience this alone and without me. Oh how I wish I could teach you all the amazing things you will learn to love about this land, however I am leaving you with more than enough resources to get you by. In the land of Dersia I have a home, it should be more than enough to get you where you need to go. It is also home to all my books. You will find a translator for the language they speak there; the language is called Draslik. Majority of the people here speak this language however you will also find a lot that speak English because of me. You will find a map, as well as a book on all the types of people you will come to meet. However do not focus solely on these books, go out into the world and explore it. Get to know these people, these beings. This world belongs to you now, please welcome it with loving arms.

Love Grandma.

Emily sat there, her heart heavy with emotion, as she gazed at the map and the words her grandmother had left for her:

You are here, Emily, from here you will walk down this small trail to a small merchant town. This little town is called Augauthor; they sell a little of everything here, so you will be able to buy a lot of things you will need. I have money saved up for you in a small chest under my bed; it is not a lot but enough to get you by. Their money is much different than our own, so do not spend it lightly; you must work there to collect the money, and it's hard to come by. After leaving Augauthor, you will continue to follow the trail, and keep following the signs that say Kingdom of Bradford. You will pass by many small villages and towns, however, they are just like Augauthor, mostly merchants own them. Finally, you will reach a dead end, with the road splitting into two, left and right. You will need to take the right path by crossing a small bridge; upon crossing that bridge, you enter the Bradford Kingdom. My home is right on the other side of the bridge, it is a large ranch home that I built with the help of my many friends. The area of the home is called Karifhan; you will know it once you see it. Good luck my dear.

Love Grandma.

Casey observed Emily, her eyes filled with understanding for her friend's emotional journey. She laid a supportive hand on Emily's shoulder. "Emily, your grandma seems to have set a path for you. It looks like Augauthor is where we met Ester, and it's the nearest village to the portal. And from there, we'll follow the trail to the Kingdom of Bradford."

Emily nodded, her determination solidifying. "You're onto something, Casey. I mean, why leave all this if there wasn't a reason?"

The two friends were captivated by the enigmatic coins, curious about their unusual design and potential significance in this unfamiliar realm.

These coins were slightly larger than typical quarters, showcasing a woman at their core, adorned in a warm brown hue. To her left lay a fragmented blue area, resembling a divided map, while a rustic red patch was above her, also split like a map. On her right, a green-tinted section mirrored the disarrayed map, intricately woven with patterns resembling tree vines.

"Maybe we could ask Ester about their value?" Casey suggested.

Emily agreed, carefully returning the coins to the chest. "Good idea. Let's figure out their worth before spending them. We don't want to be penniless in a foreign land."

Emily meticulously collected the coins, depositing them into a bag she placed into her backpack, preparing it for the journey ahead. She then reached for another book nearby.

Her fingers traced the intricate design on the dragon-themed book's cover. Upon opening it, she found herself immersed in yet another message left by her grandmother.

Casey peered over Emily's shoulder, whispering, "Dragons? No way there are real dragons there too?!" Excitement lit up her face.

Emily nodded, a tinge of regret in her voice. "I know, I wish I'd believed her back then..."

Drawing closer, Casey's eyes widened in wonder. "Hey, it's not your fault for thinking your grandma was a bit off her rocker."

Emily's tone softened. "Maybe we should wait to read this when we're at grandma's place there. Being there might shed light on everything."

Casey's enthusiasm surged. "So there's a map to Draconia? A whole map of the entire world, Em! Clearly, your grandma wanted you to go there. Do you realize how amazing this is? So many people would die to escape this world and go to a whole new one!"

Emily's heart swirled with emotions. "I get why grandma wanted me to go there, to tell them all about her passing. But when I was there, I had this feeling... like something bad was coming. I can't explain it..."

Casey contemplated for a moment. "Maybe that's what your grandma was trying to prevent. If something bad's happening, they need help, right?" Emily drew in a shaky breath, nodding in agreement.

"This was my grandma's last request. I'll do it, even if it's tough. I'll do it for her, and I hope I'm wrong about everything," Emily asserted, resolutely sorting through the books. As Emily and Casey delved into the array of books, they realized they couldn't go through them all at once. The sheer volume of knowledge was overwhelming.

Emily opted to gather most books into a backpack, acknowledging the need to focus. Amidst the pile, she found a smaller journal adorned with Draslik script.

"This is it! The language they speak over there!" Emily exclaimed, her eyes shining with newfound insight as Casey enthusiastically took hold of the journal.

"Now we can finally decode what they're saying and perhaps learn to speak it ourselves," Casey remarked as Emily moved to the living room, sorting through the language's intricacies.

"It's kinda like English," Emily explained, glancing at Casey, who leaned back in her chair, skeptical. "Doesn't sound like English," Casey retorted, interrupting.

"Not the sound, but the letters are similar. It's like A is still A, B is D, C is K, and D is B," Emily began to explain, earning a nod from Casey. "So, it'll be relatively easy to learn, right?" Casey asked.

"Yeah, we'll just have to swap letters around, and we'll get it," Emily said excitedly, receiving a high five from Casey. "Great, let's watch TV until Amber gets home," Casey suggested, heading to the television.

"You go ahead. I'll keep at this," Emily said, engrossed in the book as Casey settled in for some TV time.

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