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(Jinhwan's Pov)

It's been about two weeks since Jude has moved in and we've actually gotten along pretty well. The only thing is I worry about how late he works. I've offered to pick him up but he refused saying he doesn't want to keep me up all night just to pick him up from work. Sighing I get ready to go out with the other members we heading to a new restaurant. Once the car pulls up I lock up then get in the back I looking curious when I don't see Bobby. Yunhyeong seems to notice because he says simply. "Bobby's meeting us there." I nod in understanding then buckle up as the driver takes off. Once we reach the restaurant I eye it curiously as we head inside I immediately noticing the different omegas and betas in revealing clothing. Soon a familiar dull scent hits my nose and I turn my head in curiosity only to do a double take when I see Jude approaching us he giving a bright smile until his eyes land on me his smile waning for a moment before going back to normal. "Hi! Follow me and I'll show you guys to your table." The guys immediately start following him I staying near the back a frown on my face and a weird feeling in my stomach. We're lead to a back table where we can see all throughout the restaurant but we aren't that noticeable. We all take our seats Jude immediately saying cheerfully. "Hi I'm Jude and I'll be your server for tonight. Can I start you guys out with drinks?" The others all give him their drink orders as I just stare at Jude a frown on my face only to jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder snapping out of it. I turn my head to see Yunhyeong looking at me with a frown. "Hyung it's your turn to order a drink." I nod and look at Jude giving my drink order he nodding and walks off. Chan immediately gives me a teasing look. "You sure are staring pretty hard at the waiter hyung." I give him a slight look as I say seriously. "That's Bobby's cousin." Their eyes all widen Donghyuk saying in disbelief. "Whoa really? Does Bobby know he's working here?" I shake my head and say bitterly. "I didn't even know he's working here. He just said he had a night time job waiting tables." They all give each other looks as I hear a slight commotion coming from the front of the restaurant I turning my head only to see an old alpha touching and groping Jude who has an uncomfortable smile on his face. Immediately getting a weird feeling in my chest my inner wolf growls possessively and I feel my instincts take control when the man pulls Jude onto his lap. Getting up I storm my way over seeing the alpha whispering something in Jude's ear an uncomfortable awkward laugh coming from him. I make my way over to them and unconsciously let out a growl. "You need to let him go. You're making him uncomfortable." The alpha looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "It's not like he's mated or anything so he's free to play with." My eyes narrow slightly my wolf feeling aggravated and protective. "It shouldn't matter whether he's mated or not he's a human being not some toy or play thing. Now let him go." I see the uncomfortable expression on Jude's face as the man gives me an annoyed look. "Look I'm a regular customer here and I know the manager personally so if I were you I'd leave us alone or you can be shown the door." I give him a look before my gaze turns to Jude a stern look on my face. "Come on we're gonna leave." His eyes widen and he seems to hesitate stuttering a little. "B.... But...." I give him a stern alpha look and he swallows before hopping off the man's lap with his head lowered a little submissively. I grab his hand and lead him over to the guys saying firmly. "I'm gonna take him home. Tell Bobby that I'll talk to him later." I then start heading for the door gently but firmly tugging Jude behind me.

(Jude's Pov)

Following Jinhwan out of the restaurant I stumble a little as he drags me over to a car. He gives me a slight look saying firmly. "Get in." I swallow but get in the back and buckle up he getting in after me and tells the driver to take us home. I anxiously fidget a little able to smell and sense that Jinhwan is not very happy. Once we make it to the apartment we get out and I'm gently but firmly dragged inside I silently slipping my shoes off as he shuts the door and does the same. I immediately feel nervous as I try to slip off but freeze when he says firmly. "Stop right there." I wince and slowly turn to face him he giving me a stern look. "Why the hell were you working at a place like that?" I shift a little before saying softly. "I needed the money and it paid good and I got really good tips." He immediately frowns. "If you needed money that badly I could have helped you. Or Bobby could've helped you." I cringe and shake my head. "I'm not a moocher. Besides it wasn't that bad." He gives me a look of disbelief. "Not that bad? Jude that alpha was being very inappropriate and way too touchy. And I saw how uncomfortable you were with his behavior and hands all over you." I shift a little as he says protectively. "And the uniform is way too revealing." I immediately start feeling a little frustrated I unconsciously snapping. "Why do you care so much? You aren't my alpha! I'd get it if Bobby did what you did but you had no right stepping in and taking me away from my job." He stares at me for a moment before he takes a breath. "You're right. I'm not your alpha but I thought I was at least your friend. And I don't like seeing one of my friends being groped and touched inappropriately by some old perverted alpha." I immediately back down feeling a little bad now and I sigh. "I'm sorry. I just desperately needed that job and even if I was uncomfortable I was willing to stick it out even if it meant being harassed nightly. But I shouldn't be angry at you for trying to protect me." He gives a little nod and I give him a small smile. "And you're right about the uniform. It's a torture and very uncomfortable to wear." He gives a small smile then says softly. "And I like you a lot better without makeup. You're prettier without it." I feel myself blush and I clear my throat a little. "I'm uh I'm gonna go shower and change." He nods and I turn to leave but pause when I think of something I turning to Jinhwan again. "You're going to tell Bobby about this aren't you?" He gives me a sympathetic look. "Even if I don't the others will." I sigh mumbling a "right" before I turn and head to my room to get my clothes and everything and go shower before wishing Jinhwan a good night and head to bed.

Blue moon (a Kim Jinhwan x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now