Skipping and lying

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"Why are you here?" Jeongin looked at his brother, surprised to find that Jisung was there.

"Shit! Ummm.." Jisung had no idea what to say to that but he didn't have to say anything. Jeongin quickly figured it out and grinned to himself.

"Your skipping school?" Jeongin questioned, his voice full of admiration. 

"Yeah, okay. I am. You cannot tell Chan-hyung! He's going to kill me!" Jisung gave up, knowing there was no point in hiding it anymore.

"Oh I won't say anything. But your going to owe me" Jeongin promised. Jisung gave in again because he really did not have any choice at all.

"Okay, what do you want?" Jisung waited for his brother to say something ridiculously expensive.

"I'm not sure yet. But when I know, I'll tell you" Jeongin turned and went back downstairs. He had been home from school for almost a week now, thanks to some kids that dared him to play a prank on one of their teachers which then caused him to get suspended. Unfortunately, but fortunately for Jeongin, Chan still had to work so the thirteen year old was left alone all day. Jisung rolled his eyes and followed his brother downstairs, the two of them sitting down to play video games for a while. 

"Your home early" Chan walked in to find them both already there. The other boys would be home soon from school, unless they had work like Minho did. 

"Um, yeah" Jisung nodded, feeling awkward. It was the maknae's turn to roll his eyes, embarrassed at his brother's lack of ability to act cool.

"Did something happen at school?" Chan wondered. 

"N-no" Jisung shook his head, cursing his stutter. Jeongin rolled his eyes again and decided to help Jisung, putting his hyung out of his misery.

"Hyung wasn't feeling too good so the nurse sent him to rest for the day. He should be okay to go back tomorrow" Jeongin lied, feeling proud of himself for thinking of a good lie so quickly. Jisung gave him an appreciative smile, which Chan noticed and was suspicious about but decided to not say anything about. 

"Do you have a fever?" Chan felt Jisung's forehead but he wasn't warm.

"I don't think it's that bad. I just felt really nauseous" Jisung lied. Chan could tell and he had a good idea of what had really happened now.

"Jisung, be honest with me. Did you skip school today?" Chan blurted out. Jeongin's eyes went wide but he kept his attention on the TV and Chan left him alone. He would have plenty of time to deal with the maknae later. 

"What?! No! Why would you think that?" Jisung answered too quickly, giving away that he was lying. 

"Are you serious!? What is wrong with you, do you want to ruin your education?! You know what, don't answer that! Just go...just go to your room! I'm too angry to deal with you" Chan pointed to the stairs and Jisung went by him slowly. Jeongin shrunk into the couch but no one was really paying attention to him so he was safe for now.

"I hate this family!" Jisung yelled, stomping up the steps.

"Well too bad! We're the only one you've got!" Chan yelled back, letting his anger control him for a minute. Jisung gave a loud shout of rage and slammed the door to his room, throwing some things into a bag and opening the window. He hesitated for just a moment and then made up his mind.

Chan took a deep breath, his hand resting on the doorknob before he finally got the courage to open the door and go in. His eyes scanned the room and landed on a small bag in the corner.

"Your bag is packed" he stated.

"I was planning on running away" Jisung admitted.

"Why didn't you?" Chan wondered. Jisung shrugged, staying quiet for a few seconds.

"Because I knew I would come back. And I didn't feel like being grounded for a month or two" Jisung answered. Chan felt his heart swell in pride. He pulled Jisung's desk chair over, sitting down in front of his kid.

"You were really out of line today" Chan started, slipping into his disciplinarian role.

"I know" Jisung hung his head, fiddling with his hands.

"Hey, eyes on me kid. I'm talking to you, not the floor" Chan tapped Jisung's cheek, getting the boy to look back at him.

"You want to explain what happened today?" Chan waited.

"Like you said, I was out of line. I'm sorry" Jisung answered. Chan just stared at him, thinking of what to do next.

"Come here" Chan opened his arms to the kid.

"You can't be serious" Jisung blushed. Chan didn't move and Jisung just gave up, walking over to his hyung.

"Look at me" Chan tiled Jisung's face down to look at him.

"I know you know better than to act the way you did today. It was completely unacceptable and I'm going to remind you of that" Chan lectured, pulling Jisung over one knee so that his upper body was resting on the bed and his legs were on the floor. 

"Do we have to do this?" Jisung huffed, annoyed at the position that he was in.

"It's only twenty kid. You'll live" Chan responded. Jisung huffed again and braced himself for his punishment. 


"What are you not going to do again?" Chan waited.

"Not going to skip school and lie to the teacher or you about it" Jisung mumbled. Chan patted his back as his way of saying good job. 


"We're done now. I am proud of you but don't let this happen again, do you understand me?" Chan helped Jisung stand up, looking him in the eye.

"Yes sir, hyung" Jisung nodded, avoiding his hyung's gaze.

"Let's go downstairs and make sure the rest of the house is still standing" Chan joked. Jisung laughed a little as they went down the stairs. Chan suddenly remembered something and his smile dropped again. Jeongin took one look at him and made a run for the front door but he was too slow and Chan caught him.

"You do not try to cover for your brothers when they do something wrong!" Chan threw the maknae over his shoulder, swatting him a few times.

"Ow! Okay, I'm sorry for lying to you!" Jeongin complained. The others just watched, amused.


"And don't try to run from me again" Chan added, finally setting his baby brother down again.

"I won't, promise" Jeongin nodded, bowing his head as he rubbed his butt and glared at Chan. The oldest just threw an arm around him, forcing Jeongin to follow him to the kitchen and the brothers all sat down to eat and talk.


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