The truth is out

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"Hey, I need you all to clean your rooms. I have the social worker coming by to do an inspection" Chan walked into the kitchen after getting off the phone with his social worker. Even though had had already adopted all the boys, there was still bi-monthly inspections to make sure that the kids were being taken care of properly. Chan thought it was ridiculous but he hadn't said anything and just went along with it because he didn't want to lose his kids. 

"Why?" Hyunjin wondered. 

"Because I am telling you to. Finish eating and go clean your rooms" Chan answered.

"What if we don't want to?" Hyunjin argued, crossing his arms.

"I didn't ask if you wanted to. The social worker is coming, clean your room" Chan already knew that this was going to be a problem and he had a good feeling that Hyunjin was not going to do what he was told.

"What if I said no?" Hyunjin held his head up high, thinking that he was accomplishing something.

"I would advise you not to do that because it will not end well for you. Now you can either finsih your breakfast and go clean your room like I am telling you to or you can keep arguing and get in trouble, and then still have to clean your room. Your choice, kid" Chan waited.

"I'll clean his room!" Seungmin offered, raising his hand. 

"No you will not" Chan shook his head.

"If he wants to do extra cleaning, then I say let him" Hyunjin interrupted. He really did not see the point of cleaning just because some person that thinks their important was going to be showing up and acting all professional. It was ridiculous.

"And I say you need to be quiet, finish eating and clean your room. You are on thin ice right now, little boy" Chan warned. Hyunjin pursed his lips, considering his options. Part of him was saying to just give up and do what his hyung wanted but the other part was still saying that this was unnecessary and it was that part that won.

"If you want it cleaned so bad, do it yourself!" Hyunjin snapped. Chan's eyes darkened and he stood up, going to Hyunjin's side of the table and pulling the seven year old to his feet.

"You do not talk to me like that!" Chan scolded, spanking the kid. Hyunjin danced from one foot to the other to alleviate the pain but it didn't help at all. 

"Go to the corner!" Chan ordered.

"I thought you wanted me to clean my room" Hyunjin sassed, annoyed at being smacked in front of his brothers. Chan spanked him again and this time, Hyunjin went to the corner, putting his hands behind his head. 

"Anyone else have any complaints?" Chan turned to the rest of the boys.

"Nope! All good" Changbin walked off. Felix and Jisung followed him, even though they really did not like cleaning. Seungmin looked happy to be doing it and he was dragging Jeongin along behind him.

"I'll help you down here" Minho offered, clearing the table already.

"Your room?" Chan wondered.

"Changbin can handle it and I'll go help him when I'm done here. The whole house needs to be clean for the social worker, not just our rooms" Minho shrugged. Chan smiled at him and started to do the dishes. They worked in silence and just as the doorbell was ringing, most of the boys came down after finishing their rooms. 

"Mrs. Hwang, its nice to see you again" Chan greeted the social worker, shaking her hand. 

"Let's skip the formalities and get to the point" Mrs. Hwang walked right past him, starting her inspection and went to the living room. 

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