Boredom equals chaos

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"I'm bored" Hyunjin sighed, flopping down on the couch, his head landing in Minho's lap. 

"Oh no" Minho groaned. Whenever one of the kids was bored, everyone got involved one way or another and it was usually because they were doing something that Chan would not approve of. Like that time that Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin all climbed up to the top of a tree with one member of the maknae line on their back. For Minho it was two since he was the oldest and was stronger. Plus they didn't want any of the maknaes feeling left out. Or that time they played dart practice with the knives from the kitchen and the ceiling. 

"Alright, what are we doing this time?" Changbin sighed and sat up. Hyunjin shrugged. 

"We could always hide Channie-hyung's computer" Jeongin hummed, coloring in a book with Seungmin. Minho wasn't sure that it was even a coloring book but he didn't question it. The other boys stopped what they were doing and looked at him like he was crazy.

"No, no that's actually a good idea. He would go crazy trying to find it. It'd be hilarious" Seungmin pointed out. Very slowly, the other boys got onto the idea and agreed.

"I don't know you guys, what if he gets mad?" Felix shook his head, looking worried.

"He won't get mad, at least not at you. You're his baby" Jisung patted Felix on the head, laughing a little when the younger smacked his hand away. 

"Alright, fine let's do it!" Felix decided, already getting up. That was a bit surprising, but nobody argued; they were just glad that Felix agreed. They huddled up together, making a game plan. Felix, Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin would be the distraction. Hyunjin and Changbin were the hiders and Minho was the stealer. 

Most people wouldn't expect it to take four kids just to distract someone, but it really did. Felix was supposed to pretend to get hurt and start crying, Jisung and Seungmin would 'fight' each other over a toy and Jeongin was meant to be the aegyo and the final straw, overwhelming Chan by asking for help in opening his milk box. It was a foolproof plan. 

With the maknaes
"No! It's my toy, I had it first" Jisung gently tugged on the toy between him and Seungmin, trying to be loud enough that Chan would hear and come to investigate. That was phase one: getting Chan out of his room long enough for Minho, Hyunjin and Changbin to sneak in and get the computer. 

"I want it!" Seungmin glanced at the stairs, smiling when he heard the master bedroom door open and close and the sound of footsteps on the stairs. It was time to dial up the fighting.

"Give it back to me!" Jisung lightly hit Seungmin in the shoulder. 

"Yah! Bahng Jisung, apologize at once!" Chan walked over, looking at Jisung disappointed. Jisung tried to hide his glee at how well this was working. Upstairs, Minho snuck into the master bedroom and grabbed the computer, handing it off to Hyunjin and Changbin. 

"I'm sorry Seungmin, you can have the toy" Jisung turned back to the younger boy. Seungmin looked at the toy, shrugged and threw it to the side.

"It's okay hyungie!" Seungmin smiled. Jisung's eyes got wide; this was failing. Seungmin never called him hyungie. Jisung lightly shook his head and Seungmin backtracked. 

"I didn't want to play with you anyways!" Seungmin added. Great save, Jisung smiled. 

"Seungmin! That was rude. Both of you, to the corner now!" Chan decided, separating the two of them. Seungmin and Jisung huffed and went to separate corners, finally allowing themselves to smile at how well this was going. 

"OWW! HYUNGIE!" And right on cue, Felix picked up at his part. Chan gave Jisung and Seungmin a stern look to stay where they were and went to check on Felix. 

"My knee hurts!" Felix whined. Right as Chan was testing Felix's knee to make sure nothing was bruised or broken, Jeongin wandered in.

"Hyungie! Help!" Jeongin held up a milk box, making his eyes big and sparkly. He was really tapping into his old baby behavior. 

"Just a minute, Jeongin" Chan kept pressing Felix's leg to check for bruises but he was starting to get suspicious at the lack of reaction. Jeongin tapped his own knee, getting Felix's attention.

"Oww!" Felix yelled out, acting a little too well. 

"Hyungie! Now" Jeongin held up the milk box again. Chan was beginning to get flustered. The plan was working, maybe a little too well. 

Meanwhile, upstairs things were going a little better but not much. There was a slight flaw in the plan: even with Changbin holding Hyunjin up on his shoulders, Hyunjin still couldn't reach the vent that was far too high for his liking. They were going to have to switch bases. Hyunjin climbed off Changbin's shoulders, and onto Minho's shoulders instead, managing to reach the vent now and slip the laptop inside. Everything was done now. Changbin ran downstairs to give the maknaes the signal and they stopped acting.

"Nevermind hyungie! I got it" Jeongin opened his milk box and walked off.

"I feel better now! Thank you, hyungie" Felix jumped off the counter and ran off to join his brothers. Chan watched them go, more confused than anything now. Something was definitely not adding up. He decided not to think anything of it and went to let Jisung and Seungmin out of timeout and try to work a little bit more now that the kids were all occupied with watching TV.

Chan stood in the doorway of his room, eyes fixated on his desk where he was sure he had left his computer except now the device was missing and he couldn't remember moving it. And then it finally hit him: the strange behavior, Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin suddenly disappearing just as Chan came downstairs, Jisung and Seungmin's smiles as they fought, Felix's sudden recovery and Jeongin all of a sudden being able to not open a milk box on his own, something that he had been doing since he was three. It all fell into place and Chan turned back, going down the stairs.

"Boys! Somebody better tell me where my laptop is!" Chan got to the living room only to find it, as well as the rest of the house empty. The kids were hiding; great. 


A family of eightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin