Late Night Snack

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Sorry for the long update! Please enjoy^^

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Yoo Joonghyuk abrutly stopped his stream with a quick goodbye. His finger quickly tapped the email, his heart pounding a bit faster then usual. 

"Hello Yoo Joonghyuk, 

We are thrilled about your collab, we're open to suggestions. Regarding the date we hope that we can both be flexible and work around our schedules. A good day would be Dec 19, a week from now. 

Looking forward to your thoughts

Best Regards, Han Sooyoung"

Yoo Joonghyuk felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as he reread the email. "A join stream..what could we do?" he thought running his hands through his hair. 

"Maybe I could teach him how to play a game." he frowned crossing his arms. 

"Why would a popular idol want to play some game." he shook his head. 

With a heavy sigh he walked slowly towards his dining table with a glass of water. Tapping his fingers to a beat his mind wandered.

 "I guess I should leave it up to Han Sooyoung." he opened his phone to the email app. 

"Dear Han Sooyoung,

Thank you for your reply, The date December 19 works for me. I would appreciate it if your provided the collab idea. I look foward to what you come up with.

Yours Kindly, Yoo Joonghyuk"

"Isn't this to simple?" he thought as he debated over sending the email. 

"Just do it." He prompted himself quickly hitting the send button.

 For the rest of the night there was no reply back from Han Sooyoung and Yoo Joonghyuk was left with a racing mind. 

He frowned finding himself unable to sleep. It was now 2:00am and he was still awake. Sluggishly he walked towards is fridge in search for a snack. His eyes narrowed annoyed as he looked back at the mostly empty fridge. 

"I haven't been to the connivence store in a while." he sighed slipping on a pair of sneakers and coat. 

He grabbed his mask, ignoring his hat and glasses. "Its the middle of the night whos going to see me." He reasoned. 

The store was about a 10 minute walk from his house. Yoo Joonghyuk shivered as he was hit with the cold air. The winter air nipped at Yoo Joonghyuk as he quickly walked to the store, seeking warmth. 

The collab was stilling weighing down on his mind, and the lack of reply wasn't helping. He pushed open the convenience stores doors open, greeted by the familiar chime. 

The store was mostly quiet besides for a man in the back of the store. He absentmindedly grabbed some ramen and snacks. 

He headed towards the back where the man was to pick up the some ice cups.

 "Excuse me." Yoo Joonghyuk said lightly to the man.

The man was wearing a scarf that covered up half of his face and a hat. Yoo Joonghyuk almost staggered back as he caught a glimpse of the mans eyes. Quickly recollecting himself he grabbed his icecups, his eyes glimpsing behind him. 

The man dressed in a while coat seemed to be staring at him. 

"Do you need something?" he asked standing up. 

"N-no sorry!" the man quickly walked away. 

Yoo Joonghyuk heard the bell as the man left the store. 

"Why do I feel like I've seen him somwhere before?" he thought thinking back to the man. Annoyed and unable to recall where he saw the man he walked to the front of the store to check out. 

With his bag of groceries he started the cold walk back to his house. 

"Wait." He thought sharply, almost dropping his groceries. 

"Those way." his heart started racing. 

"Fuck I'm an idiot." he breathed out. 

As Yoo Joonghyuk walked home the cold air seemed to bite into him deeper. Shaking the thought out of his head he rushed to his home. 

"Finally." he breathed leaning against his door, he dropped of his groceries and heated up the ramen. The encounter lingered in his mind. 

"Theres no use worrying about it now." He thought as he ate his ramen. Opening his phone again he sighed seeing that there was no new mail. 


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Yoo Joonghyuk woke up groggily. He took some melatonin the night before to help him sleep but he got 3 hours of sleep at best. He squinted his eyes at the gray sky contemplating if he should go back to bed. Yoo Joonghyuk laggardly brushed his teeth and made himself a simple smoothie. As he sat at his dining he remembered something 

"Oh yeah." His eyes widened as he grabbed his phone and turning it on. 

He quickly skipped over the spam email and sponser offers he got overnight and found what he was looking for. A new message from Han Sooyoung, Kim Dokjas manager. 

Thank you for you're reply, apologies for the late responce. I talked it over with some people and we came up with an idea. This might result in you skipping out in a stream or so. For a collab we thought maybe you could switch lives for a day. You will come to the studio, and Kim Dokja will show you around idol life. On another day you will show Kim Dokja your life. In simpler terms switching lives for a day. You will come to this studio adress:----- on December 19 and on Dec 21 we would come to a place to your liking to stream. This could prove to be hard, but if you are up for it we would be glad to do this with you. For further notice, if you want to ask Kim Dokja about this personally here is his number: --- ---- ---

Best Regards, Han Sooyoung

Yoo Joonghyuk was nervous, he would meet with Kim Dokja not once or even online, but in person and multiple times! 

At this point Yoo Joonghyuk was a fanboy with the way he reacted. "So we would teach each other?" he thought tapping his leg nervously as he thought about a reply. He also had Kim Dokjas number staring right at him. Gulping down the nervousness he quickly calmed himself down. 

No worries, I think that this collab would be a great idea. The schedule works for me, I assume I would be going to the studio in the morning? Thanks for reaching out. 

Yours Kindly, Yoo Joonghyuk 

It was confirmed, Yoo Joonghyuk would meet Kim Dokja. An idol he randomly found out. He stifled his emotions. His smoothie looked unappetizing now. He walked towards his calender and with a marker he wrote. "Collab Day".

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Thanks for reading comments are appreciated! Hope you enjoyed, sorry for the inconsistent updates ^^ 

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