Chapter 3

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When Nat and I arrived at the building, we immediately looked for our classroom

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When Nat and I arrived at the building, we immediately looked for our classroom.

As we were chatting and gossiping, I heard someone calling my name.

"Mon! You're here. I forgot you're also in Business Management," Irin said with a laugh.

She glanced at Nat and greeted him, "Hey there, Fluffy Boy," while giving him a high five.

"Hi, Irin," Nat replied with a smile.

"Good thing you've met Fluffy Boy, Mon," Irin said.

"Oh my goodness! Irin, he acted like we were super close when he saw me. He called me like we were best friends. I was like, who is this marshmallow-looking person, why wasn't I informed that we're close?" I jokingly told Irin.

Nat just scratched his head, shaking it while smiling at us.

"That's just how he is, Mon. Everyone is his friend. He arrived here three days ago, but he already knows half of the school," Irin said, laughing.

"Hey, that's too much, Irin. It's not half, just a few," Nat said shyly.

We continued chatting until the class started. I was busy copying what was written on the whiteboard when Nat nudged me and whispered something.

"Hey Mon, why does my boss keep staring at you?" he asked, looking puzzled.

"What? Who's your boss?" I asked him, continuing to write while our professor started discussing the topic written on the whiteboard.

"What? Who's your boss?" I asked him, continuing to write while our professor started discussing the topic written on the whiteboard

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"Lady Samantha, my boss ..she's staring at you," Nat said.

"She's probably looking at you, not me. You said she's your boss," I replied, finishing my writing and focusing on our professor's lecture.

"No, she's really looking at you. Look," Nat insisted.

"Where?" I whispered, asking him.

Nat pointed to where his boss was sitting.

I almost fell out of my seat when I saw who Nat was referring to as his boss.

Why is this arrogant and annoying human being is here?

Between Secrets and Lies (FreenBecky) ON-HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now