Chapter 5

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[The duo emerge from the bridge and make their way toward Hagrid's hut. The Whomping Willow looms in the distance.]
Rose: Honestly. If you ask me, Divination's is too much guessing. Ancient Runes is better.
"Agreed." Said Lily.
Anna: Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?
Rose: All of them.
"What?" Said Barty.
"How?" Asked Regulus.
Anna: How? Some of them is at the same time. [Rose looks around, makes sure no one is looking or listening and takes out time turner.]
"Time turner? How does she have it?" Asked Lucius.
Rose: With this. It's a time turner. But Minnie told me to not tell anyone so it's a secret.
Anna: If it's a secret why are you telling me?
Rose: Because we're the package. When she gave me this, she should have known i would tell you. [Anna nodded.]
People smiled at them.
Anna: Wait! Why did she gave you this?!
Rose: Because my dear friend, i don't get caugh like my idiot brothers. She thinks i'm responsible person and use it only for lessons like good girl i am. [Both of them laugh.]
Sirius and James's eyes light up with mischief.
Anna: Wanna prank Snape?
Rose: Do you even have to ask? [Anna and Rose smirk.]
"That's my pup/little flower!" Yelled proud Sirius and James.
[Inside, a cloud of tea leaves mutates oddly. Anna, sitting opposite Rose now, frowns at the leaves, consults the symbols in the textbook (Unfogging the Future) at her elbow. Trelawney walks amongst them, robes flowing.]
Professor Trelawney: Broaden your minds, my dears. And allow your eyes to see... beyond. [Trelawney takes Lavender Brown's cup, peers inside.]
Professor Trelawney: A five-leaf clover... You can expect to wake with a horrible rash tomorrow morning, dear. (then, casually) Mr. Longbottom, after you've broken your first cup... [CA-CHINK!  Neville fumbles the cup in his hands and the brittle crash of ChIna is heard.]
Professor Trelawney: ... would you be so kind as to select one of the blue ones? I'm rather partial to the pink.
"Show off. Probably just guessed because of Neville's clumsiness." Said Lily.
Professor Trelawney: (pausing by Rose) What do you see in Ms. Potter's cup, Ms. Weasley?
Rose: Well. She's got a cross -- that's trials and suffering.  But this lot here could be the sun -- that's great happiness. So... she's going to suffer but be very happy.
"Of course." Muttered annoyed James.
"Isn't it her typical tuesday?" Said equally annoyed Sirius.
[Professor Trelawney takes the cup, peers inside, and gasps.]
Professor Trelawney: Ahhh!
Parvati: What is it, Professor? [Trelawney regards Anna with a mixture of pity and fear.]
Professor Trelawney: My dear girl... You have the Grim.
"Whaat?" Screamed scared Sirius.
"Why do you look so scared?" Asked Lily.
"Grim is death omen." Said Narcissa sadly.
Seamus: The Grin? What's the Grin?
Parvati: Not the grin, you idiot. The Grim.
Dean: But what does it mean, Professor?
Lavender: 'The Grim...' [All turn, see Lavender bent over her textbook.] 'Taking the form of a giant spectral dog, it is among the darkest omens in our world. It is an omen... of death.' [Anna peers into her cup. The tea leaves shift. The dog disappears. And a new image emerges slowly... Sirius Black.]
"Maybe it means your animagus. Maybe it just means that you and Anna will meet." Said James hopefully. Sirius looks unshure.
[Students gather around Hagrid as Anna, and Rose arrive. Cassiopeia, Nott, and Zabini stand with the Slytherins.]
Hagrid: C'mon now, get a move on!  Got a real treat for yeh. Great lesson comin' up. Follow me.
[Hagrid leads them toward a small paddock just this side of the Forbidden Forest. In the paddock, a freestanding iron rack hangs with dead ferreta, buzzing with flies. Nearby is a pumpkin patch.]
Hagrid: Gather 'round. Find yerself a spot. That's it. Now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books --
Theo: And exactly how do we do that?
[Hagrid looks. Belts, rope, Spellotape: any means available have been employed to bridle The Monster Book of Monsters, which quiver violently.]
Hagrid: Crikey. Didn' yeh know? All yeh've got ter do is stroke 'em.  Look -- [Hagrid takes Rose's copy, Snaps the Spellotape binding it. As it begins to bite, Hagrid calmly runs a forefinger down the book's spine and it... shivers.]
"How were they supposed to know?" Said Evan.
[Falls quietly open. Hagrid glances at the class, looking suddenly unsure.]
Hagrid: Righ' then.  So... so... yeh've got yer books, an' now yeh need the Magical Creatures.  Right. So... I'll... I'll go an' get 'em. [Hagrid turns, disappears into the trees. Cassie shakes her head, Speaks loudly to Theo and Blair.]
Cassie: God, this place is going to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes.
Lucius smiles at himself being mentioned.
Anna: Listen, you stupid prat– [Eyes widening in fear, Malfoy steps back, points.]
Cassie: Potter, there's a Dementor behind you.
Everyone looks worried.
[Anna jumps, wheels in fear, finds... nothing. Instantly, some Slytherins make an eerie OOH... and OOH sound, then break up laughing.]
Lucius laughs and Narcissa slaps his thigh. Barty laughs, too. Regulus and Evan look amused. Griffindors glare at them.
[Anna reddens, embarrassed, then...  Blair rolls her eyes at Cassie. Theo glares.]
Theo: It's not funny! If you don't remember, she isn't the only one who lost conscious! [Cassiopeia's eyes widen. Theo walks away. Cassie chases him and grabs his arm.]
Cassie: I'm sorry. [Theo ignores her.]
Cassie: I didn't mean to upset you. [Theo doesn't say anything.]
Cassie: I was just teasing her, I won't joke about it again. Forgive me, Please. [Theo looks at her puppy eyes, sighs and nods. Cassie smiles.]
Narcissa smiles at Cassie.
"I don't like him." Said Lucius, glaring at Theo.
[A strange beast (Buckbeak) emerges from the trees. It has the torso, hind legs, and tail of a horse, but the front legs, wings and head of a giant eagle. The students step back in fear, then Hagrid appears, shooing the beast on.]
Hagrid: Gee up, there! (grinning) Beau'iful, isn' he? [There seems no consensus on this, but the students stare in wary wonder nonetheless. As Hagrid coaxes the beast to the center of the paddock, Rose stares exitedly.]
Rose: Hagrid. Is that Hippogriff?
Hagrid: O' course. Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know is they're proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one, 'cause it migh' be the las' thing yeh do.  Right then -- who wants ter come an' say hello? [The entire class steps back, leaving Anna in front and Rose, who steped forward.]
"Hey! That's not fair!" Said Lily.
Hagrid: Good, Anna! Rose! [Anna looks around, then they approach.]
Hagrid: Tha's it. Easy now... stop! This here's Buckbeak. Yeh want ter let 'im make the firs' move. It's polite, see? Jus' take step forward, give 'im a bow, and if Buckbeak bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. Ready? [Unsure, Anna nods anyway. Rose nods exitedly. They step forward. And... bow. Buckbeak's head cocks, eagle eyes studying Anna and Rose cannily. Anna and Rose wait. And wait...]
Hagrid: Back off, Anna, Rose! Back off!
Lily and James look worried.
[Anna and Rose start to step back, when... Buckbeak ducks his beak. Hagrid sighs, relieved.]
Hagrid: Well done! Go on. Give 'im a pat. [Tentatively, Anna and Rose reach out, lay their hands on Buckbeak's fierce beak. The class claps. Anna and Rose smile.]
Hagrid: Look at that! I reckon he migh' let yeh ride 'im!
"No!" Said Lily.
Anna: (smile dropping) Excuse me?
Rose: (smile getting bigger) Really?
"The difference in emotions." Laughed Barty.
Hagrid: We'll jus' set yeh behind the wing joint. Mind yeh don' pull any feathers out. He won' like that. [Hagrid lifts first Anna high, drops her onto Buckbeak's back, Than does same with Rose and slaps Buckbeak's hindquarters.]
"Is he trying to kill my daughter?!" Yelled Lily.
Hagrid: Off yeh go! [As Buckbeak gallops forward,  giant wings unfold, huge and powerful, and -- WHOOSH! -they soar into the air. Rising higher. And higher. And higher. Gradually, Anna loosens her hold on Buckbeak's neck. Rose lets goes of Anna. Losing themselves in the joy of flying. Smiling at the sight of their and Buckbeak's shadow racing across the grass below.]
People smile at them, but Lily still looks worried.
[Circling over the Whomping Willow, past Hogwarts castle, and then SWOOPING, with heart-stopping speed, over the Black Lake, Buckbeak's talons tickling the smooth glass of the water, summoning the giant squid to the surface briefly. Hagrid whistles then, and Buckbeak wheels, beating his way back to the paddock, galloping to a halt. As Anna and Rose slide off, Anna looks at Cassie and sees her already looking at her with a smile, but then Cassie blushes and looks away, Anna looks confused, the class cheers -- all except Cassie.]
"So cute." Said Lily and Narcissa.
"No, it's not." Said Lucius and James.
Hagrid: Good work! (under his breath) How'm I doin' me firs' day?
Anna: Brilliant... Professor.
Rose: Great. [They grin, when Cassie pushes past them roughly, strides toward Buckbeak.]
Cassie: Give me a go at that thing. If Potter can do it, it must be easy.
"Cassiopeia Malfoy! Don't you dare!" Yelled Narcissa.
Blair/ Theo: Cassie, No!
Hagrid: Malfoy! No! [In a flash, Buckbeak's steely talons slash down. Malfoy freezes. Looks down at the blood blossoming on her robes. Shrieks.]
Lucius and Narcissa grip each other's hands worried.
[Instantly, Anna dashes forward. Buckbeak whips around, raises its talons and -- seeing Anna -- lowers them.  Ducks its beak. Anna... realizing what she's done... breathes.]
Lily smiled at Anna protecting Cassie without hesistation.
[Hagrid looks: a deep gash glistens on Cassie's limp arm.]
Anna: Hagrid. She's got to be taken to a hospital. I'll go with you, if you like --
Hagrid: No. I'm the teacher. You all... you all just... Class dismissed! [And with that, Hagrid -- looking shaken -- swoops up Malfoy, flops him over his shoulder, and lumbers toward the castle. Theo and Blair follow.]
Theo: We're coming!
Blair: And You can't stop us! [Hagrid sighs, but lets them.]
"They are good friends." Said Narcissa.

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