Day 1

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I walked on the wet concrete. The smell of rain and earth filled my nose. The night was peaceful and couples would walk past me hand in hand, laughing with smiles brighter than the streetlights.

Love. It's so fake. One second you think you have found your true love and the next, they find someone better than you. It's rare for you find someone who will truly accept you. The whole world is fake, only going for looks and popularity. If you aren't hot enough, you're not worth loving. If you aren't skinny enough, you're not worth loving. Oh, I could go on and on. But that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Who decided all those rules in love?

I walked into the convince store and looked at medicine that could help me with sleep since it has became a big struggled lately.

"Your total is 5.99 sir." I paid and took my receipt, bottle of juice, and melatonin in hopes it would work.

Great just great, the rain had stopped not that long ago and now it's raining, again.

The rain wet my hair, I didn't bother putting my hood on or to bring an umbrella. I walked down the park and admired the drops of water falling from the dark sky, only visible when you look at the streetlights.

As I was walking through the park, a crunch of somewhat caught my attention, only for me to see I had stepped on a bag. I crouched down and saw it had bottles of water and snacks, the bag also gathered a small water puddle inside due to the rain. Without a doubt, it has been laying here for sometime. I emptied the small amount of rain water and placed the snacks and water back into the bag.

Just where did this bag come from?

I looked around trying to find at least one person to get some information from. That's when I spotted a figure, it was jumping or dancing on the hill in the park. It was dark and you could only see the figure with dim streetlights due to the distance.

"Excuse me!" I yelled but the person still couldn't hear me.

Now I gotta walk through all this mushy grass.

Splashing and twigs snapping was heard, stepping in huge wet spots of grass and mud here and there. I started to make my way up the hill, the person was a bit more smaller and feminine the more I got closer. The sound of laughter wasn't to clear due to the rain. "Excuse me!" I yelled again. The person finally stopped and turned around. It was a women.

Wow, how stupid could I be.

"Oh hello." She greeted as she caught her breath. Her hair was not the slightest bit dry along with her clothes. I was finally face to face with her.

"Is this your bag?" I asked holding it up, making sure not to mix our bags up.

"Yes, thank you so much. I completely forgot about it!" She sheepishly laughed, tapping her foot in the mushy grass.

"If you wouldn't mind me asking, what are you doing out here?" I asked curiously. My mind told me to leave her alone and go home, but my heart told me otherwise.

"The sky is crying." He pointed up with her index finger.

"The sky is crying?" I confusingly restated after her.

"Mhm, the sky is crying. Some people think rain is an inconvenience but the sky has to let out their feelings somehow right?" She shrugged with a smile that shined so bright it was almost blinding. "Not to mention when the sky cries it not only benefits itself by letting out its emotions but it also benefits us and all life on earth." She had droplets of water on her face and I could feel the water on mine.

It was fascinating. Not only the way she described the rain but also her mindset.

"Ah, I see. That is a very beautiful way to look at the rain." A smile crept on my face. It felt so silly smiling, especially at something that seemed so childish.

"I know right? I wish people could see it as beautiful as I do...but hey, thank you for bringing my bag. What's your name?" She asked slightly tilting her head to the side, rocking back and forth on her heels waiting for me to answer her question.

"I'm Choi Beomgyu." I introduced myself.

"Y/n, nice to meet you. I best be going now Beomgyu. I'll see you around!" She bid goodbye before running down the hill. She quickly ran down the sidewalk, her huge smile still placed on her face.

I was left a bit stunned. My brain can't seem to  comprehend the strange encounter.

I need sleep.

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