Day 2

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The sun smiled brightly down at the park. After such a rainy day yesterday, the sun may smile again. Kids and parents walked through the park along with teenagers with their significant other.

I came to a complete stop when I noticed a phone on the floor. I looked around before picking it up, turning it on to see the lock Screen. Two children sat down hugging each other with goofy smiles, one was a little girl, the other was a little boy. I'm sure they are siblings.

I looked around to see if anyone had lost a phone but no one seemed to look like they lost anything.
A tap on my shoulder caught my attention.

"Sir, have you perhaps seen-Oh hi Beomgyu!" It was the girl I met last night. Y/n, was it?
"You found my phone!" She beamed as she held out her hands for me to give her the phone, softly, I placed it in her hands.

"It's nice to see you again, Y/n." She smiled back up at me as she placed her phone in her pocket.

"The feelings mutual. I tend to have a bad habit of dropping things. Thanks to you, I have found them again."

"No problem. I can tell you have this habit. Next thing you know you might drop your head." I teased. She gasped and playfully slapped my arm.

"Never, my head is screwed on tight. Say, how about I treat you to a meal as a thank you." I stood in thought, do I really want to go have a meal with a stranger I barely met last night? I guess it's free so why not?

"Sure. Where to?" I asked as we walked side by side down the park.

"Does burgers sit fine with you? Unless you want some fancy meal then you can pay for yourself." She shrugged. A Burger doesn't sit to bad with me, I'm fine with any free meal as long as it is actually edible for me to eat.

"Yeah that's cool with me." I nodded. I didn't know where exactly we were walking, mostly, it was me following her.

"So Y/n, who are those two kids on your phone? Not to get to personal or evade your privacy!" I tried to remind her. She shook her head with a reassuring smile.

"It's alright, it's actually me and my older brother. Crazy how time flies huh?" She asked as she kicked a rock that sat on the concrete.

"No kidding, but you two don't seem that far in age." She hummed in agreement.

"We aren't, he's only two years older than me although, he acts like he's ten years older than me. I actually should be home with him but I snuck out." She shrugged. My jaw fell open as I looked down at her.

"Snuck out?! Just how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm twenty two, he's just super protective and will be protective for the next week." I was barely able to hear the last part since she mumbled it.

"I see. I also have an older brother but not as protective I guess." The walk was mostly silent, a comfortable one at that.

"Stop look at his haircut." Y/n whisper yelled as she nudged my arm. I turned to see a man who tried to pull off a perm but doesn't look to good, not in the slightest bit.

"I feel bad for the paper that left his wallet." I chuckled. The whole walk was of us saying we don't judge people but in reality, we did. Not rudely of course, we were just messing around you could say.

"I'm sorry, but her yellow crocs look like she's wearing cheddar cheese on her feet." Y/n looked away to avoid bursting out into laughter.

"Well, crocs aren't that bad but they could have made the design better." I said as I looked at the girl who was wearing bright yellow crocs, they definitely stuck out with the sun.

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