Chapter 1

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"Suzume, I want to tell you a story." said her grandmother when she came to visit. The woman looked quite fit for her age, but that had not been the case. Her dark eyes had become duller and cloudier. Her eyesight was fading, which had always been the case with older people.

"Which one?" asked the little girl who had been sitting in her bed. Her eyes squinted with curiosity as she gazed intently at her grandmother. "A story about our ancestors." the old woman answered her question and sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Ancestors?" Suzume asked quietly, even more curious about what she was about to hear. A soft laugh could be heard as the old woman could see her blurred face.

"As you know, we Uchiha are descended from the former Uchiha. Back then, our clan was still quite small until it grew with the addition of a young man." she began her story. "Back then, there weren't many who had mastered fighting. At least not in the way our clan could now."

Still curious, Suzume looked into their eyes. It was the first time she was allowed to hear from and get to know her clan. Especially since there was a war going on and her father had often gone to war with her.

"As you know, the men inherit the Sharingan and therefore also the Mangekyou Sharingan. Over the years, this ability has been constantly improved but also misused for a lot of power," explained the old woman. "My own father told me a lot about our family tree. So much that it could be a made-up story."

"What did he tell you?" Suzume now wanted to know, which made her grandmother smile. "I'm sure you've heard the Otsutsukis." "Yes!" Suzume replied immediately and told her what had been written about them in the books.

"But that's not all, Suzume. Many people don't know that Indra Otsutsuki had a son. His name was Takeru Uchiha and he is one of our ancestors. I named your father that to remember him." the old Uchiha smiled, which seemed to delight Suzume. "And who was his mother?" she asked curiously.

"Well, according to stories, Takeru's mother was a beautiful young woman who had given her life for him and her village. Her name was Amaya Uchiha and she was the very first woman to ever possess a Sharingan."

"Amaya...Uchiha...", Suzume breathed and heard the door open. "Mother, are you telling her some myths about our family again?" asked Takeru. "Certainly not. I was also told it as a child and I really believe that Amaya Uchiha was our ancestor. She was the one who won the heart of Indra Otsutsuki."

Astonished, Suzume looked at her grandmother. So Amaya Uchiha really had been an heir to the sharingan. Something that had never happened since. "Do I have the Sharingan too?" she asked.

Her grandmother laughed softly. "You know that only the male side of our clan can inherit the Sharingan. But who knows, maybe the gods will decide to choose you too."

"Mother, don't talk such nonsense to her. You know what she's being trained for." Takeru reprimanded and looked at the two of them slightly sternly. "Let Suzume sleep. She has a lot to do tomorrow." he said and turned away from them.

His daughter and a Sharingan? That could never come true in a dream.

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