Chapter 16

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A few days had passed since the incident, during which Suzume had briefly withdrawn. She had felt bad when she had seen what she had done to Madara. If Izuna hadn't been able to stop her and Suzume hadn't heard that voice, the Uchiha probably wouldn't be alive.

Although Suzume wanted her peace and quiet, Izuna came by every day to talk to her about the chakra inside her. He had also started a small training program with her, where she could learn the theory about everything.

Her brother, Souma, had already told her a lot about it. However, Izuna had explained it much more precisely and intensively. So after two or three days, she had gained enough knowledge to be able to practise.

Well, in the beginning she had pretty much torched or destroyed everything in the garden. You could see how clumsy the Uchiha had been, which was why Izuna had to start from scratch like a small child. It was actually an amusing situation for him, which Madara had also found to be the case.

Izuna was able to skillfully ignore Suzume's whining, even though he had visibly struggled to let her innocent and pleading look pass him by. Suzume knew exactly how to win the hearts of men and she used this to her advantage with Izuna.

But as difficult as it had been for Izuna, he had managed to resist these looks. After all, he belonged to the main family and had been the son of a chief.

In short, Suzume had simply been exhausted at the end of the week. Her body shook with pain as the sore muscles had spread. She had never imagined that a life as a shinobi could be so exhausting.

How had Amaya put up with Indra? He was an Otsutsuki and had certainly had more stamina and strength back then. So how could her ancestor become so strong and control the Sharingan in such a way that she could use it for her family?

Suzume had often thought about this, and had even looked it up in the library. Unfortunately, she had never been able to find out anything that affected the Uchiha. It was as if Amaya Uchiha had really just been a myth. But Suzume knew better.

She had heard her voice, had even dreamed of her before. It seemed as if Amaya wanted to be there for her. To help her control her power. But every time Suzuma had woken up from her dreams, she had already forgotten this helpful feeling.

"Brother, please!" she heard Izuna say as she walked past Madara's study. "I know you want to use Suzume for the fight between us and the Senju. But she's not a fighter!"

"Izuna, she has the Mangekyou Sharingan. I can't do without such a power." Madara replied calmly. "I know that. But she's already lost her family in these wars. I want to spare her the sight of them. I don't even know if she can control herself on a battlefield. Brother, please leave Suzume out of this fight!"

Madara exhaled softly. "You really care about her, don't you?" he asked his younger brother, though Suzume couldn't hear an answer. Either he didn't know or he had simply moved his body.

Her heart began to race when she heard Izuna speak. So far, he had kept his promises and wanted to protect her even in moments like this. Her heart warmed, which also made her smile. Izuna was fighting for her freedom, for the protection she had wanted.

So she could no longer deny that her heart had slowly decided in favor of a man.

The old family tree Izuna FFWhere stories live. Discover now