"okay now get off me you freaks!"

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warnings: language
ellie is 16 reader is 15 abby is 17 dina is 15 jessie is 16

ellies pov

"okay girls im taking you to school lets go!" mary says rushing me and angel. we get in the car and make our way to school, she parks right outside the entrance and i get out of the front seat and ellie gets out the back "bye mom love you!" "bye mary love you!" angel and i both say as we close the car doors. mary rolls the window down and softly yells "bye girls have a good day love you!" as she slowly drives off and turns the corner.

angel and i both walk inside the school to the front office and get our schedule papers that have our locker codes on them. angel and i read the sheet walking in the hallway to find our lockers "angel, ellie hey!" dina comes up behind angel and i and we both turn around "OH MY GOD DINA YOURE HERE WHAT? SINCE WHEN?" angel practically screams at the top of her lungs almost tackling dina in a hug "DINA!?!?" i yell too actually lackling the both of them and we laid on the floor lik thay for a bit till dina said "alright now get off me you freaks!" breathly laughing making us all laugh, "ellie you wrinkled my paper!" angel says trying to push me off her. i got off them both and then help them up "i missed you SO much oh my gosh!"  angel says to dina hugging her again "yeah we both missed you!" i say hugging her aswell.

dina was our childhood bestfriend, but angel and dina were definitely closer than dina and i were, they were inseparable. angel and i met her in the 5th grade and just clicked, that was until middle school and dina moved schools well actually across the fucking country. angel was devastated, yeah i was too but angel cried for days! dina was like a sister to angel, anyone would've thought they were related, they dont look much a like anymore but i still kinda see it. "so you have to tell me everything!" angel says eagerly.

she then links dinas arm with hers qnd puts out her other arm for me. i chuckle then link my arm with hers and we walk to find our lockers "this is mine!" i say seeing the number on my locker matches the number on my paper. and unlinking mine and angels arms. angel looks at the locker across the hall from mine "this is mine" "this is mine! hey ours are all close!" dina says going to her locker by a classroom door "i love this im so excited!" angel says smiling ear to ear. i unlock my locker seeing the pictures i have with my family and friends and the group picture of me angel dina and jesse, my face drops seeing jesse.

jesse was my absolute best friend growing up, like how dina was angels. jesse and i were inseparable. nothing could break up apart. that was until he got a girlfriend and she made him cut all ties with angel dina and i. i was so pissed at him, choosing a girl over his bestfriends? the people who habe been here for him since we met.

i start snapping out of the trance that i didnt even know i was in hearing my name being said over and over and me getting poked "ELLIE!" angel half yells trying to keep her voice down at school "huh- yeah?" i say turning around and looking at her. "class starts in 5 get your stuff cmon" i start getting everything i need for my first period and angel stands there waiting for me "hey we never showed eachother our schedules?" i say looking up at angel since im squatting getting my notebooks and essentials. "oh right! my first period is ela, whats yours?" "ela yes! we have classes together!" "thank GOD! dina has p.e. poor girl" angel says sympathetically "yeah that must suck! alright lets go!" we make our way to our first class and sit down next to eachother, angel sitting infront of me.

ellie or abby? Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon