"hey princess, missed me?"

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warnings: language, kissing, making out, SMUTTTTTTT, fingering, face sitting, eating out.

please do not read if any of that makes you uncomfortable this is basically all smut

im finally publishing this after contemplating it for months!! still very scared.

3 years later

reader is 18 abby is 20

angel's pov

the last letter i got from abby had said she wasnt gonna be able to come home for 5 more months. i was heart broken, i thought i was gonna be able to see her for christmas but no, one thing she did do was send me a birthday card this and last year since she couldnt be here for it, i didnt celebrate my birthday this year though. i was not in the party mood.

"hey sweetie" my mom says knocking on my open bedroom door causing me to look up at her. "hi mom" i say then look down continuing to color in my coloring book dina got me for my birthday, i was coloring madusa. "whatcha up to?" my mom asks walking in my room and sitting on my bed "coloring" i say and shrug. "you always loved coloring when you were younger then you just stopped" "no i would color at school i just never really payed much mind to it when i was home" i say putting my book and colored pencil's down next to me on my bed, i stopped doing the the thing i love the most because of my mom's boyfriend. he ruined coloring for me but im not gonna talk about how and why. "well im making dinner soon" my mom says patting my leg then getting up looking back at me, i smile at her and then she walks out the door

time skip

abby's pov

i was on my way home on the plane finally. on the way to surprise angel, i told her id have to stay a few more months so it would be an absolute surprise. i cant wait to feel her touch and breathe in her smell. god ive missed her more than anything. i just cant wait to be able to kiss and hold her. only being able to send her letters was torture, but now im finally on my way home.

two hours later, abbys plane lands

the plane finally lands i grab my suitcase and see my dad waiting at the exit of the airport "hey kiddo!" he says waving at me and messing with my braid, my hair had grew a lot since i left but i kept it at a certain length i liked "hey dad!" "so how was it?!" "hectic" we walk to the car and i take my bags and put them in the back seat, him and i both get in the car and buckle up "lets get going, you still wanna see angel right?" he sayd puttong the key in the ignition and startin the car "yes obviously!" and we start driving to her house "they havent moved have they?" i ask my dad turning my head to look at him as his eyes stay on the road "no i went over there a couple weeks ago to give mary soup cause she was very sick and they haven't informed me on moving anytime soon" i just nod and my head turns to out my window, next thing i know im slowly drifting off to sleep.

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