We don't speak of the bum incident of 2015

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"Ok so what size where you looking for?" My face getting hotter and possibly redder.

"Erm that's why I needed help I don't exactly know"He said playing with the front of his t-shirt, I scanned him not exactly checking him out or anything just looking at his body language.I think he noticed what I was doing because he stood up straight with his head held high. I guess he was doing this to be as tall as he could manage, I did the same and noticed I was an entire head taller than him.

"Ok do you know what size shirts or pants they wear?" I asked leaning my weight on to one side making me a tad shorter.

"Umm... no not exactly can you erm maybe check the tag on back of my shirt?" He said turning around,even tough he wasn't facing me his ears and neck where bright red. I got the back collar of his shirt and in faded letters there was a little 'M' there.

"You're medium but unless you only want the bra part of the lingerie you're going to have to try on all the sizes" I said getting all the sizes of the black lingerie we had. I couldn't possibly look him directly in the eyes now that I know it's for him.

"Ok so you'll just try all these on and see which one fits the best we'll make that your size" I said walking towards the dressing room my heart pounding. I don't know why my heart is pounding he probably has a girlfriend or most likely a boyfriend.

"Ok here we go I'll be in the front register if you need anything else" I put all the lingerie on the little hooks and turned on my heels starting to make my way down the pink hall.

"Umm can you maybe stay? If you don't want to that's ok." I never stayed because it's rude,people want to be left alone and if they asked me to stay it was always because the girls fancied me and wanted to 'turn me on'.

"Sure ok if you need me sure ok" I stumbled over my words and my feet a little turning to face the boy again.

"Thank you Harry" he said stepping closer and squinted at my name tag.

"You're welcome umm sorry I never caught your name love" I said shoving my hands in my pockets,a second passed when I realized what I said my face getting hot at the realization of what I had just said.

"Louis" he said his face changing color to a pinkish shade. he started going into the changing room. I may have looked at his bum as he walked inside.

I waited for about 10 minutes until I heard a loud "Of fuck me" coming from inside the changing room Louis was inside of.

I knocked on the curtains, this was stupid because obviously nothing happened. "Are you ok in there Louis?" I said stepping as close to the pink curtain as I could without bursting in.

"Erm no not really" Louis called from the other side followed with grunts and curses.

"What happened?" I asked stepping back a little.

"My bum got stuck"

Lingerie {Larry stylinson AU}Where stories live. Discover now