Keep it in your pants. For now

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"Are you sure?" I asked bitting my bottom lip.

"No you know what Harry I just like how the tight elastic is cutting blood flow to my dick" he said followed by him crashing into one of the three walls.

"Have you tried rolling it of a bit at a time?" I said rocking on my heels , really unsure of what I should do with myself.

"Wait just a... little... bit... more.." a loud sigh came from the dressing room.

"I got it Harry I took it off! My dick still hurts though. owe owe Harry it really hurts" said ,rather loudly may I add, louis.

"Well what do you want me to do? Kiss it better?" I said puffing out some air. In that moment I got a pang of realization that we where not alone. I turned to my right.Right there hanging with their mouth opened was a woman in about her forties clutching the underwear to her chest.

"Young man I have no problem with this but please tell your boyfriend to watch his profanity" the lady started lecturing me, but at least the worst has passed.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry ma'am I'll make sure he doesn't kiss my dick better till we get home." Louis said sticking his head out of the curtains with the biggest grin I have ever seen.

The lady and I both let out a loud gasp she quickly turned in her heels her short hair bobbing wildly.

"He's kidding! We're not.. he's not my.. wait!" I said attempting to catch up to the woman but it was no use she was zigzagging trough racks.

"Louisssss why did you do that?" I turned around facing the the shorter boy still covering his body with the curtain.

"Harrehh because it was funny" he said flashing me a smile and disappearing behind the curtain once more.

"Harry can you get me a blue and white one in this size" Louis said giving me a set of lingerie perfectly in its hanger.

"Ok I'll be back" I mumbled leaving unsure that Louis heard me at all.

Once I got the lingerie Louis asked me to get I made my way back to the dressing rooms.

"I'm back" I said talking to the pink curtain waiting for Louis's hand to stick out to hand them to him.

"Louis?" I said leaning in more and accidentally tripping over the curtain which caused me to be flung into the small dressing room.

I tried to catch myself but I failed and u heard a loud huff coming from under me. I opened my eyes and looked under me to find Louis grunting in pain.

"I'm so so so so so sorry, are you ok?" I asked scanning his face for any sign of extreme pain.

"Yea I'm fine" he said rubbing his face with both his hands. His face expressed panic and a blush?

"You-u can at least buy me coffee first" Louis said covering up his nipples.

"Oops" I said scrambling to my feet. when I looked down to learn Louis I noticed he was wearing another pair of lingerie.

"Hi" he said resting his weight onto his elbows.

"Ehm what are you guys doing?"

Lingerie {Larry stylinson AU}Where stories live. Discover now