unseen reality

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It's not simple to explain
As I hate myself for thinking

It's not like I don't want to love
I'm just scared of breaking

Love comes with terms
And the uncertain conditions

Building a dream with someone
While giving them hopes and expectations

When you love someone
You want to give them the best

But what if you don't want to live
And leave them with a hollow nest

I'm scared of the void I'll leave
A wound that might never heal

I don't want to hurt another soul
Especially the one who made me feel

That I'm not worthless
Good days are waiting for me

I wish to love you back
See the world, let go of my fears


It's better to love you from a distance
Then to let you see what I'm made of
What if you get scared of my scars?
What if you hate me if I told you who I really am?

But I fear to lose you
What if my loved one gets stuck in the darkness I wear

So I decide to runaway
It's better to be remembered as heartless

Then to live with guilt
And let demons throw a feast

It's better to Live with the shadows
And let the world live in peace

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