I've Got You

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Taehyun was used to getting panic attacks.
And honestly, could you really blame him?

He was forced to face his greatest trauma everyday, his kryptonite.
And because of that- and the small knowledge the general staff had on his personal life- he was often excused from attending classes in person.

Taehyun would simply hole up in his room after a panic attack, missing multiple days of classes until he could ultimately muster up the courage to return to his seat in the back.
Nobody noticed his absence anyways, and the professors knew he would occasionally need breaks, so nobody really questioned it.

He'd been doing that for the past year he's been at the Academy, and after the questioning on his first day of Gift's class, he was currently on his third day of mental recovery.

Due to Taehyun's unique situation, he got a lot of accommodations too.
Having meals delivered to his room from the cafeteria by his request, and getting all his assignments for the days he missed so that he could make them up.

If Taehyun weren't an S-Tier supernatural, maybe they wouldn't have been as giving to him, even with the life he came from.

But, I guess that was one of it's perks, probably the only perk if you asked him.

Irene would always visit him during these breaks, delivering his assignments and making sure he wasn't going completely insane in his four walls.

On this Thursday, she entered comfortably,
not needing to knock because Taehyun would usually leave the door unlocked anyways.

When she entered, the medium sized dorm room was prestinely organized.
Mainly because there wasn't much to disorganize anyways, Taehyun still didn't own much.

The bathroom would be on the left when you entered, a white door enclosing it. There were coat hooks on the right side of the entrance, hanging a slightly oversized grey blazer with the school logo embroidered on the collar, a second-hand white padded jacket, and an oversized black hoodie with a white animated cat on the pocket.
Of course, Taehyun didn't really need, nor did he use jackets, but he occasionally used them to further hide himself in a layer of clothes.

And the cat hoodie was a gift from Irene, so naturally he loved it.

When you stepped further into the room, the queen sized bed took up majority of the left side, a bedside table next to it, pressed against the wall shared with the bathroom.

There was a decent amount of walking room, with a white wooden dresser across from the bed, pressed against the other wall.

And finally, the windows were on the wall opposite to the entrance, a white desk pressed against the middle and a bookshelf next to the bed.

When Irene fully entered, Taehyun was sat in his desk chair, back facing her.
When he noticed a prescience he stopped writing and turned on the swivel chair to face Irene.

He obviously knew it was her, because who else would come into the nobody-loner Kang Taehyun's room?

His expression brightened at the site of her, shyly waving Mitten's paw at her in the form of a 'Hello'.
He had grown an immense attachment to the plushie over the year, and would have her with him at all times in his room.

"Hi, darling! How's the week been for you?"

Irene placed the stack of assignments onto his bed, before sitting down on it, legs crossed.
She was pretty young, only being in her thirties, and she often saw Taehyun as a son to her.

She had been so preoccupied with school, then studying and applying to work at the Academy, and then actually getting a position and becoming the full-time head of student services, she never had any time to marry or have kids.

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