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It was finally the weekend, and the four boys had heard from Irene that they'd be able to visit Taehyun.

After the incident, Irene had been checking in on all of them the past week, and it's safe to say that she was already growing fond of the group of boys.

She knew they'd be the perfect friends for her Taehyun.

So that's how the boys ended up at the in-patient wing of the infirmary, where Taehyun had been recovering both physically and mentally.
The sudden use of all his stored up power took a toll on his body, leaving him weak and sickly, but with some medical screenings, some medicine, and some down time with Mittens, Taehyun had been scheduled to leave the hospital Saturday night.

The boys had plans to pick him up, hangout with him for the few hours he had left in the hospital, and then return him back to his dorm.
They each brought something for Taehyun- Kind of like a 'get well soon' gift, but more of a 'we're sorry this happened, let's be friends' gift.

Soobin brought the most beautiful bouquet, made up of pink tulips, baby's breath and lillies. It perfectly enraptured the soft nature of Taehyun, and the pink shade was reminiscent of his hair.
Huening Kai and Yeonjun brought a basket full of sweet breads and chocolates, and Beomgyu brought his handsome face.
(He couldn't decide on a gift and got too worked up about it- They literally had to drag him out of his dorm)

When they arrived infront of the white door labeled 'Room 407', Huening Kai eagerly knocked and entered, not even waiting for a response.
Taehyun was sat up on the white hospital bed, in a white gown that drowned his petite frame.
He was looking out of the windows, pink hair messy and cheeks a little pink from the lack of clothing and the air conditioning.
He had his lowerhalf covered with the hospital blankets, and he seemed deep in thought, not even noticing their intrusion.
The room was pretty large, with the big windows covering the wall and the bed next to it, so that you could see the Academy castle from a distance, and the abandoned greenhouse was pretty nearby.

Huening Kai skipped to the window, startling Taehyun when he heard a sudden gasp.

"Wah!- You can see like, everything from here! Guys, look, it's my dorm!"

"Nobody cares, Hyuka. And sit down already, you're scaring Taehyun."

Huening Kai looked over at Taehyun with wide eyes and a sheepish smile, before quickly scurrying next to Soobin, who stood by the bed.
Yeonjun came around and set their basket onto the bedside table, marveling in how Taehyun's eyes widened in surprise at seeing their gift.

He also seemed to be looking for someone, and that suspicion was confirmed when Beomgyu finally came into view, walking around until he was stood directly next to Taehyun.
The window light backlit him and made it look like he was glowing- And to Taehyun, Beomgyu truly did look like an angel in that moment.
He smiled down at him shyly, never breaking eye contact.

"Um- Can you guys have your staring contest later, we kinda have something to tell Taehyun- Right, Beomgyu?"

Hearing the sassy tone in Yeonjun's voice made him snap out of his trance, and Beomgyu shook his head, as if trying to readjust his thoughts.

"Ah! Right, right- Soooooo uuuhhh Taehyun, h-how have you been?"

Yeonjun smacked his forehead with his palm, hoping the pain would tune out Beomgyu's awkwardness.

These boys would quite literally be the death of him.

Meanwhile the boy in question had been silent the whole time, still confused as to why the four boys were here, why they had brought him gifts, and why they were all watching him like predators hunting prey.

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