The Elephant In The Room

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Taehyun finally mustered up the courage to face his greatest enemy...

The school cafeteria.

It was now Tuesday, and Taehyun had realized that in all the two weeks of being a second year at the Academy, he had yet to step foot inside the cafeteria hall.

As mentioned before, Taehyun had a few privileges, being an S-Tier with such an extensive list of issues, of course.
One of those privileges was having meals sent to his room, which was something he had requested in his first year, after attempting to sit in the food hall but then spending lunch in a bathroom stall for a week straight.
He couldn't help it, really- He's a boy with a lot of anxiety.

And to someone with anxiety, the cafeteria is like their personal idea of hell.
Yet, for some strange reason, Taehyun felt the strong urge to at least check it out today.

Yesterday's Muse training was still deeply engrained in his mind; The image of Choi Beomgyu with his hands open, pointed towards the sky, as water, gold, and flowers surrounded him. That serene look on the boy's face as he demonstrated the thing he loved most.

Something about that gave him courage, so after his science block he hesitantly headed towards the cafeteria hall.

He was shocked he even remembered where it was, seeing as he hadn't been there in a year.

The hall was massive, with a high domed ceiling and floor-to-ceiling windows. The windows were shaded in long, velvet red curtains, which complimented the dark hardwood floors. The tables were also wooden, and were circular.
Around them would be sets of wooden chairs with plush, red velvet cushions ordaining them. The tables were scattered throughout the large room, and at the front of the room was the kitchen and the line to order food from the chefs.
Obviously, this school was pretty elite, so the food and chefs were just as elite. The walls of the hall were pearl tiles, which matched the kitchen's design.

It was incredibly intimidating for Taehyun, but he had already stepped through the doors, so he figured he should atleast attempt to get food.
He walked down the long walkway between tables and took a place in line. As he stood there, his eyes scanned the gorgeous hall even more, taking in it's beauty. There were portarts of famous supernaturals, including framed images of the first ever supernaturals to possess the elements. His eyes scanned over them, admiring Earth, Air, and lingering on Water.

He thought about how Beomgyu might be framed there, one day.

When his eyes locked with the portrait of the Fire supernatural, his stomach turned.
It was like he couldn't look away- The young girl with bright, flame red hair was staring deep into his soul.
Taehyun tried desperately to breathe but he felt his body heating up. He couldn't tell if it was another panic attack or something more.

The tears were starting to well in his eyes and he needed to leave this place immediately.

He tore his gaze from her red, beady eyes and turned sharply to exit the line, as well as the cafeteria, but he suddenly bumped into something.
Due to the velocity of how quickly he turned to escape, he fell hard after the initial collision.
Flopping down onto his ass, Taehyun thought this day couldn't possibly get worse.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry- Are you okay?"

Taehyun froze, before slowly looking up. And to confirm his thoughts, he was met with a pair of blue eyes.

Beomgyu also looked startled, but clearly had been able to stay on his feet- Whereas Taehyun was as light as a feather.
He reached his hand down, holding it infront of Taehyun's face.

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