Chapter 9

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"Go away, Naruto," Sasuke spoke without looking toward her. "I don't want to see you just now." He was sitting cross-legged in front of the small, box table where Tomoko had served his breakfast a little while ago. She had left the sliding door open for the light, which Sasuke seemed to resent. It didn't look like he slept much, if at all.

Of course he was still angry: it was a silly hope that he might have cooled down over night. The first night she spent in her own quarters rather than with him. She had, at least, enough sense to give him that space.

"If you don't wish to see me, then don't look at me," Naruto/Miyo spoke softly as she moved closer. Kneeling beside the table, she picked up the tea pot and refilled his cup, the only thing he had touched so far.

Sasuke glared at a spot straight ahead. "I won't relent," he informed her, "And I won't forgive you if you ever treat their crimes carelessly again."

"I will obey if you insist. But please wait until Tomoko-san has said what she must say. She'll be in as soon as she is finished in the kitchen."

Sasuke frowned at the cryptic lead.

"She overheard our conversation last night," Naruto/Miyo informed him. "All of it."

"I see," Sasuke stiffened. "Then she knows...?"

"She does. She says she already knew I am a fox, however. That's a relief, isn't it?" Naruto/Miyo laughed. "If I do not have to be so careful about using my power, I can accomplish much more."

"Hmh," Sasuke picked up his cup to sip the tea.

Tomoko approached shortly thereafter. Even though the door was open, she knelt at the threshold. "Please pardon the intrusion, Sasuke-sama. May I speak with you?"

"You were eavesdropping last night, woman?" Sasuke asked roughly.

"Please forgive me," she touched her forehead to the tatami mat just inside the door.

"You don't have to bow low for that." Sasuke's tone was irritable. "If you are not intending to cause trouble for me or Miyo, I do not care what you know."

"No, of course not, Sasuke-sama," Tomoko lifted part way, her hands still on the floor, "I am happy you have found a worthy bride."

"Hmh," Sasuke looked down at his cup. "If that's all, you should go."

"Ah, no, Sasuke-sama. There is a serious matter I wish to speak with you about. If I may?"

"Come in, then." He traded the teacup for the bowl of miso soup and began fishing tofu out of it with his chopsticks.

Tomoko slowly rose and moved to kneel again a respectful distance in front of Sasuke. Her hands flexed on her thighs.

Sasuke ate several mouthfuls while waiting for her to speak but finally prompted, "Well, what is it?"

"About the Senju..."

Sasuke's gaze lifted to look at her with displeasure. He lowered the bowl back to the tray and neatly laid his chopsticks across it.

"About what happened. Please forgive me, Sasuke-sama," Tomoko dropped her head to the tatami mat again. "You were so young, you did not know, I failed in my duty."

"What are you talking about, woman?"

"The Senju did not attack without reason, Sasuke-sama. It was the Uchiha, it was our clan. The Uchiha were preparing for war. They were going to attack the hokage and take over the village."


"I'm so sorry, Sasuke-sama, but it is true. It would have been civil war. Fugaku-sama and his subordinates, they challenged Saurutobi-sama, the hokage of then. They had grievances regarding how the Uchiha were treated, but they would not negotiate. They gave demands and threatened war when they were not met.

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