Chapter 10

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"Congratulations, Uchiha-dono," smiled Senju Tsunade, a woman with hair as blond as the bride's. "I admit I was highly surprised to receive an invitation to your wedding but very pleased. For you and for our village that you have returned without suffering misfortune and indeed, gaining good fortune."

"Thank you... hokage-sama," Sasuke spoke tightly.

Beside him, Naruto/Miyo squeezed his hand as much for his reassurance as for her own. Her heart was fluttering.

"And you, Uchiha Miyo-dono," Tsunade smiled at her, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"That pleasure is mine, hokage-sama," Naruto/Miyo bowed.

The look Tsunade was giving her indicated she suspected something. As a part-fox, of course she was attuned to such things. But she returned her focus to Sasuke. "I understand you have been making inquiries into some of your family's prior holdings, Uchiha-dono."

"I have," Sasuke answered with a slight lift of his chin like he was expecting a fight over this.

"I'm glad to hear it. I shall call upon you when I next meet with the heads of Konoha's prominent clans. That is a business you should be a part of."

"Thank you, hokage-sama," Sasuke inclined his head.

"But, please, feel free to call upon me should you need help establishing yourself before then," Tsunade added, "This section of the village has been poorer since they lost the patronage of the Uchiha. I will be glad to assist if need be."

"Thank you, hokage-sama," Sasuke repeated. He seemed more comfortable now that she had explained her self-interest.

"Particularly, I should think you wish to expand your household as soon as possible. By yourself, I cannot imagine you are able to do all that is necessary. Certainly, you should, at the very least, employ a few guards to protect what you regain," she mused. "I can make recommendations: persons in my retinue who would do well serving you."

"I appreciate the offer," Sasuke said politely, "But that is not necessary, hokage-sama."

"I see," Tsunade gave another unnervingly knowing look to Naruto/Miyo. "Do be careful, Uchiha-dono. Good fortune does not last. Indeed, it can be a fickle thing. You should protect yourself."

Sasuke's expression darkened. To him, that probably sounded like a threat. "Hokage..." he started to respond, releasing Naruto/Miyo's hand.

"Not to worry, hokage-sama," Naruto/Miyo cut in with a bright smile, "My husband is more adept at martial arts than any guard we could hire. He can surely defend both himself and his property from any would-be thieves or ruffians."

"And what of you, Miyo-dono?"

"I am his most valued property, am I not?" Naruto/Miyo laughed lightly, "Of course he will protect me." Shouldn't that be apparent by the way he was standing even now? A shoulder in front of her like he expected the hokage to attack.

"I meant from you, Miyo-dono."

"From me? Hokage-sama?"

"May I have a private word with your wife, Uchiha-dono?" Tsunade asked.

Sasuke's severe expression intensified and it seemed like his eyes might turn red. He started to move, to push Naruto/Miyo back and stand fully in front of her, but she touched his arm, petting, and continued to smile.

"Hokage-sama. My husband knows me very well. Is that what you want to speak to me about?"

"Does he?"

Sasuke did not relax. "What of it?"

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