Chapter 11

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"Naruto, about Senju Hashirama..." Sasuke brought it up again two weeks later.

He and Naruto-as-Miyo had visited the hokage yesterday. While Sasuke had discussed some business with her personally, he spent the majority of his time with her advisors working out specifics. Instead, it was Naruto who spent most of the day with her. And then, at dinner, Sasuke had watched them interact. Even if they were being careful, that they were highly familiar with each other was obvious.

This thing, which had been festering in the back of his mind since their wedding, could no longer be ignored. Since it was late when they returned home and Naruto fell asleep quickly, Sasuke hadn't been able to ask about it then. Nor had he been able to ask over breakfast because Naruto slept late.

"Hm?" Naruto glanced over from tying up the sleeves of his yukata.

"You called him very familiarly."

"Did I?"

Sasuke frowned, "Yes. That night, after the wedding."

"To our guests?" Naruto looked mildly alarmed.

"No. You were speaking only to me. It was after-"

"Ah, good," Naruto interrupted with a smile. Adjusting how the sash fit over his shoulders, he moved to open the sliding door. "We're not expecting any visitors today, so I'll be working in the front gardens. If you are bringing anyone back from town, try to give me a warning somehow so I can look like Miyo when they arrive," he chuckled.

"Naruto," Sasuke spoke impatiently, "Wait. I'm asking: what was your relationship to Senju Hashirama?"

"Eh?" Touching the pillar, Naruto glanced back at Sasuke. "It was long ago. Does it matter?"

"Yes," Sasuke answered, coming to the door though he had not finished dressing.

Laughing, Naruto shook his head and moved down the steps where he paused again to slip on straw zori. "You're not bothered because I was familiar with Senju so long ago, are you?" Naruto didn't look back to see Sasuke's foul expression, but maybe guessed it was there. "Just leave it be, Sasuke," he said gently, "I'm yours now. That's all that matters." He flashed a smile back toward Sasuke and then walked off.

"Naruto..." But Naruto didn't turn back or stop. With a small, frustrated noise, Sasuke hurried to finish securing his hakama. His haori billowed in the light wind as he pulled it on while striding around the building.

"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you, Naruto," he spoke as he passed between the living quarters and the kitchen building. "And don't act like your life is a great mystery I can't understand. I let you take over my life, so the least you can do is answer when I'm asking a serious question."

"Take over?" Naruto repeated as he wiped his face with the flap of his yukata. Half in the shed, Naruto stepped back, putting his weight on that foot. "Are you unhappy with how I am fulfilling our contract?"

"No, I... That's not what I'm saying," Sasuke answered, faltering slightly.

"Then what is it?" Naruto turned his head but not enough to look at Sasuke.

"I want to know about your relationship with Senju Hashirama," Sasuke demanded.

"That shouldn't concern you," Naruto dismissed while turning back to reach into the shed.

"But it does," Sasuke insisted, "If you were familiar with a Senju... if you were..."

"Then what?" Naruto sighed. He set a bucket at his feet. "Hashirama-sama was dead long before the Senju attacked your family. And he would have been appalled," Naruto's voice became crisp.

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