Chapter 13

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"That tickles," Naruto giggled.

"Hm? This?" Sasuke lightly brushed his fingertips along the soft flesh beneath Naruto's rounding belly.

"Yes! That!" Naruto swatted his hand away, squirming.

Sasuke smiled and returned his hand, though caressed now and bowed down to kiss just above Naruto's taut navel. And then, as he lifted his head, he flourished his fingers along the bottom curve and back to the thinner, more sensitive flesh.

"Ee," Naruto tried to protest but it came out as a laugh. He pulled his legs up, batting Sasuke away as he rolled onto his side to protect himself. "Sto~op!"

"Sorry," Sasuke apologized amusedly. "I can't help it. When you leave yourself so open."

"It's ho~t!" Naruto pointed out in a perturbed tone, immediately unfurling and rolling onto his back again. "I feel like I'm melting."

"You are sweaty," Sasuke agreed. However, his playful attitude was giving way to concern. From just that little stimulation, Naruto was flushed and panting.

"That's your fault," Naruto wrinkled his nose at Sasuke.

"Come outside with me," Sasuke held out his hands, "I'll help you cool off."

"Hm?" Naruto took his hands and allowed himself to be pulled up to sitting, then standing. The open yukata hung limply off his shoulders. He hadn't bothered to dress: it was the thin, light blue one he slept in.

In fact, he hadn't bothered to do anything at all. After training for most of the morning, Sasuke found him almost exactly where he left him. The only difference was that the bedding had been rolled up for the day and he was directly on the tatami mats.

"Since I forbid you from swimming in the river, it's the least I could do."

"I still say you should just let me." Taking one hand back, Naruto used his sleeve to wipe his face. "I can transform into someone random."

"And if you slip?"

"I won't slip."

"You did yesterday," Sasuke pointed out.

"Because you won't let me cool down in the river," Naruto protested, "I got overheated. Big ears help with that, dattebane."

"So will this. Sit down here," Sasuke guided him to sit on the steps. "I'll be right back."

"All right," Naruto released a breath and spread his hands out behind him, leaning on them. Although his breathing slowed down, he didn't close his mouth. He slipped his arms out of his sleeves entirely and used one to wipe sweat from his face again, then his neck and down his front.

The shadow of the porch and nearby maple tree only provided a slight reprieve from the climbing sun. The baked earth behind the living quarters and the white outer wall reflected the rays and seemed to create a sauna. Heat waves blurred the outlines of things.

Sasuke returned shortly with a shallow basin and a bucket full of water. He also had several strips of cloth over his shoulder. "Come down a step so you can put your feet in this," he instructed as he put the basin on the ground.

Naruto scooted down, pulling his yukata to keep sitting on the soft cotton, and did so. He flinched with a laugh as Sasuke poured cool water from the bucket over his feet.

With some water left, he set the bucket on the step beside Naruto. Taking a cloth from his shoulder, Sasuke dipped it in the bucket and then squeezed the excess. Leaning close, he then draped it over the back of Naruto's neck and over his shoulders. With a catch of breath that Naruto turned into a laugh, he twitched as water from the ends trickled down his chest.

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