Chapter one - the meeting

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Outside the leaves started changing their colours on red, like every month in HQ of demon slayer is the hashiras meeting. Today the master introduced a new member of hashiras - Sanemi Shinazugawa.

Sanemi looks like he always has an angry expression. During the meeting every hashiras were shocked that Sanemi yelled at master Ubuyashiki. After meeting none of them were happy about it. But Kanae was different... She didn't reprimand him. Instead of it she just keeps her kind and sweet smile and talks to him like a normal person. That makes Sanemi feel something in his chest, it was a warm feeling in his heart. But he didn't admit it and just threw this feeling away to forget about it.

A few months later

Sanemi really get along with Hashiras, especially with Kanae. He often went to her mansion. They had really good relationships as friends.

"Nee-san!" A loud yell is coming from one of the rooms in butterfly mansion. It's Shinobu, a younger sister of Kanae, but from all the sisters she is the only one who is her biological sister. Before Kanae could do anything the door to room  opened.

"Hey, Kanae could you help me with this?" Sanemi comes in, he back from mission and has some injuries.

"Get lost, nee-san is  not your personal nurse." Shinobu responded and cross her small arms on her chest. Sometimes Shinobu jokes that Kanae is Sanemi's personal nurse, because since Sanemi became a Hashira only Kanae helps treats hid wounds, no one else.
Sanemi get annoyed at Shinobu's words, those two have something in common. Short temper.

"I'm not talking to you, brat!" Kanae decided to intervene now.

"Ara ara~ don't be so angry at each other." She put her hands on both of them shoulders.

"We don't want you to kill each other" Kanae laughed softly at her "joke". It's how she wanted to at least a little release the tense situation between her sister and Sanemi.

"I'll be back to you, Shinobu, in a moment. I only need to treat Sanemi's injuries." Kanae's voice is always so kind, and Shinobu can't be mad any longer while hearing her gentle voice, like Sanemi. Those two definitely calmed down.

The flower hashira took Sanemi to her office, where she treats his injuries from the mission.

"Oh, Sanemi you need to be more careful. One day you can die from blood loss if you keep fighting like that." She said while  wrapping his left arm in bandages, Sanemi is trying to not groan from pain. Those injuries were really serious if he won't treat them on time, and it's really worrying Kanae. She looked at him with kind and worried eyes.

"Not too tight..?" She wants to make sure he feels comfortable.

"No, it's good." Sanemi answered simply, he looked away. For him Kanae is the most beautiful woman in the whole Demon Slayer corp, maybe even in the word. But he won't admit his feelings, he thinks he feels this way for her just because of her kindness.

After a while Kanae finished treating Sanemi's injuries.

"Now, now. How are you feeling? Isn't that better?" Kanae said with slight tease in her voice.

"Yeah, thanks" Sanemi said and when he was about to leave, Kanae grabbed his hand.

"Maybe you want to stay for dinner? I'm
sure Shinobu and Aoi cooked enough for everyone." Sanemi turns his head to look at Kanae, he can't say no to such a kind soul. Her gentle and soft hand is holding his, a hard and with scars hand, but it doesn't bother none of them.

"Y-yeah, I mean sure." Sanemi said with slight blush and looking away, why did he like her touch so much? Kanae chuckled at his acting. They went together to the kitchen while talking now like usual. They entered the kitchen and immediately Shinobu walked up to them.

"Oh, I see, Mr. Angry face is staying for dinner?" Shinobu said, glaring at Sanemi. Why is she so mad?

"Shinobu, don't be so rude. At least for dinner." Kanae said and gave her a head pat. Shinobu only rolled her eyes and then she went back to laying everything on the table. Sanemi Helped Aoi in finishing preparing food and Kanae helped Shinobu.

The atmosphere at the table was nice, the triples (Naho, Kiyo and Sumi) talked between themselves and from time to time they said something like "the food is so good" "Good job, Aoi/Shinobu". Of course Sanemi was talking all the time only with Kanae, Shinobu stayed silent. Maybe Shinobu doesn't seem, but she really cares about the happiness of her older sister and even if she doesn't like Sanemi, she knows Kanar really enjoys his company. So she tries not to interrupt them in their relationship, until it won't hurt Kanae.

Wow 811 words, my fingers hurt 😭 I hope you liked it and if there are mistakes I'm really sorry. The next chapter should be in 5 days, I suppose. But it can be earlier if I have motivation. Byee ❤️

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