Chapter three - mission together Pt.2

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Sanemi runs like never before, the cold, night wind is in his lungs. The feeling is making him sick but now he doesn't care, the only thing he cares about is to come to Kanae on time. Because if not... that won't end well. A multiple thoughts runs in his mind, if he would make it on time? Is Kanae okay?.. every minute is for him like years, it's hard for him to think straight. Meanwhile Kanae is fighting for her life with the upper moon 2.

"Oh, poor thing~ you look exhausted." Upper moon 2 said with a slight smirk on his lips. He believes he can kill her and then eat this beautiful face. Kanae didn't give up, she lost a lot of blood but her crow already sent a message about her fighting upper moon 2, so someone must be here in around 30 minutes. It sounds like an eternity in her condition. She doesn't waste more time and then she attacks Douma again and again. The fight seems like it never ends, and Douma definitely has fun...

Kanae feels dizzy, her head hurts and blood is everywhere she can pass out in every moment. As a Demon Slayer, and as a hashira she can't give up. She needs to fight untill the end, even if this means pay with her life. She make some more attacks and then she fell on the ground. Exhausted and in horrible condition he look up at the demon. He is going to eat her, tears are forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry shinobu..." She thinks, but why he's not attacking her..? A sharp and could wind touch her pink cheeks. Is that Sanemi..? She smiled, so someone got her message. Sanemi looks at her, ho go worried but also feel happy she's alive.

"Don't worry Kanae, I got him." He said with his usual angry expression, but there is something else like a kind shadow in his eyes.

Sanemi fights upper moon 2 with all his strength. Even if he can't kill him, he fight him untill sunrise. Douma run away, and in the moment when he disappears Sanemi runs to Kanae to check what is with her. Kanae got several injuries, she's alive and that gives Sanemi hope. Kanae is asleep, maybe that's better. She needs to rest.

"I got you... Kanae.." Sanemi whispered with soft smile on his lips. When he realises he is smiling, he immediately put his usual expression. He take his hair to wrap this around Kanae, she's asleep? Or she passed out? He can't say, but maybe it's better. He also got some injuries but now only Kanae is matter. He's too impatient to wait for kakishi, he just take Kanae on his back and go to HQ of Demon Slayer core.

After some walk he feels like eve5is a pain for him, but he needs to go to butterfly mansion. There Shinobu will know what to do. At 6 am he arrived at butterfly mansion, he knocked on the front door, Kanae is still on his back. No one is answering and Sanemi got irritated. He knocked again and this time the door answered a young demon slayer girl. It's not Shinobu, her name is Aoi. Kanae "adopted" her a few months ago when she passed final selection, she was to scared to kill demons so Kanae give her a place to live. Aoi seeing its pillar immediately opened the door that he can come in.

"G-Good morning." Sanemi at first didn't say anything, just come in ant place Kanae on the couch. But Aoi seems so worried and also so scared to do something wrong, after all she doesn't meets hashiras everyday.

"Good morning, is Shinobu awake?" Sanemi said without looking at Aoi, he placed Kanae on the couch to make sure she will be comfortable when she would wake up.

"Master Shinobu? She's probably in her room, I can call her.." Aoi said with slight nervous voice. She doesn't wait for answer, just turn around and runs to Shinobu's room. Sanemi can heard whispering from other room. That's definitely other girls. He looks around to see if someone is looking, when he make sure no one is looking at him and Kanae he sit beside her body. She seems colder that usual and it's really worrying him. He caress her pink cheek and then places a soft kiss on her forehead. In the same moment Shinobu comes in, she looks like she a moment ago wake up, not surprise it's 6 am.

"Good morning Sanemi" Same said with slight irritation in her voice. Maybe because someone wake her up from her peaceful dream. Sanemi look at her.
"Can you check up on Kanae?" He said, without "good morning" or anything else. Shinobu thinks it's rude from him but seeing Kanae in this state she doesn't think much and grab some medicine.

"Aoi, can you help The Wind Pillar in his treatment?" Shinobu said checking on Kanae. She knows he would do everything on his own and probably make himself hurt even more.

"Of course shinobu." She answered

"Please come with me" Aoi added after a few second looking at Sanemi, she turn around and went to room next to. Sanemi only growled and rolled his eyes, then he went after Aoi. The three little girls are peeping from kitchen when the go by hall.

"Oh, it's Naho, Kiyo and... I can't remember the third... oh yes, Sumi..." Sumi... his younger sister had the same name... but like other siblings got killed by his own mother when she turned into a demon.

Aoi treated Sanemi's injuries, those two stayed in awkward silence for the whole time. When she finished Sanemi was about to leave but Shinobu blocked his way.

"Sanemi, I have some important information for you..." She seems sad..? It's about Kanae? What about her? Is she ok? She doesn't die right..? Sanemi can't focus on her words. She shigned and then continue her monologue.

"Kanae isn't dead, but... she's in coma..."
Sanemi feels like his hear skip a beat, how she's in coma?! People not often wake up from coma, exactly in this era... Sanemi can't accept this fact.

"Where is she?" He said like in a dry and angry voice. Shinobu only pointed at the door to Kanae's room. He went to Kanae's room and opened the door to see Kanae laying on the bed. Did he just miss his change to confess..? Is it the end of her life..? He sit beside her and cares her hand with his thumb.

"Kanae..? Please... don't leave me.." he whispered that only he could hear it. Other girls are just standing in doorway looking at those two. Kanao, Aoi, Naho, Kiyo, Sumi and Shinobu... all of them also are too afraid to say a word. The only sound is their breathing...

I hope you enjoyed<33
Words count: 1158

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