Chapter five - festival

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Sanemi is running like never before, he just needs to see Kanae right now. Did he heard right? It's just impossible what just happened. After a few minutes he reached the butterfly mansion, without knocking or something he came in and immediately went to Kanae's room. For him it feels like he last saw Kanae years ago, but that was yesterday.

He opened the door to Kanae's room. He stood in the door frame and couldn't believe it. Kanae is here and is alive... the three youngest girls are sitting on her beds and crying from happiness. Kanao is just standing beside Kanae, but it's clearly that she's happy. Aoi is sitting on the floor but her head is on Kanae's thighs, Kanae is caressing her hair. She probably was crying really hard so she's now calming her down. And finally, Shinobu, she's sitting next to her older sister and hugging her tightly.

Sanemi slowly steps inside the room, the girls don't mind him. In his eyes are tears of happiness, but he quickly wipes it. He doesn't want them to see him crying. Especially when the youngest are here, and Shinobu. Kanae turned her head to face Sanemi. When their eyes meet she smiled softly. So it's not a dream, it's really happening... after almost 5 months... she's awake...

"You're not going to join the hug?" Kanae said while taking out her arm on gesture. He at first doesn't want it, because of the girls, but he couldn't resist. He missed her so much, too much... He buried his face into her shoulder. Now he can cry and no one can see it. Kanae only feels a wet material touching her skin.

Soon enough the other pillars come here too. But when they come, with Kanae stayed only Aoi who is asleep, and Sanemi who doesn't let her go until now. The hashiras steps inside her room and when Sanemi realizes that they are here he let go of her. Kanae chuckled at his reaction but he glared so she stopped immediately.

Of course the other Hashiras knew what Sanemi and Kanae were doing, but no one talk about it out loud. Now they're too focused on talking to Kanae and greets her after so long time of her coma. Kanae also met the new pillar, but Iguro definitely feels uncomfortable around her. Kanae saw it so she decided to not stress him and she didn't mind the fact that he didn't even shake their hands. Shinobu comes in after around 20 minutes.

"Okay I'm sorry to sai it but please leave. My sister- Kanae needs to rest." Shinobu said and placed some medicine on the small table beside the bed, everyone nodded in agree and leave the room. When they were leaving Iguro whispered something to Sanemi. At first the white haired boy didn't respond but look away. When they close the door behind them he look at Kanae for the last time and smiled softly, but it was only for a second. After this he back to his usual, always annoyed self.

Days goes by and after two weeks Kanae is able to do everything on her own but she still needs time to back to her Hashira condition. Everyone visit her at least once for a three days. Sanemi wanted to be closer to his loved one and he all the time stayed in butterfly mansion. Of course after asking about it Kanae. He sometimes helps the girls with some chores but he's usually out of the mansion.

He's in the town doing shopping with shinobu, they need to buy some stuff like medicine but also something to prepare meals. They go separate ways, shinobu to buy medicines and Sanemi to buy some rice etc. He went to shop and when he was looking for rice he saw some girl accessories. He stopped and look at them for a moment. One of them catch Sanemi's attention. It's a gold hairpin with white and pink flowers. He pick it up, he imagine Kanae with it in her long, beautiful, black hair. As someone tapped his shoulder he back to reality and put the accessory back to its place. He turn his head to see who it is.

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