• Chapter 2 •

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"My, my. Why do you need to know my name? Oh well. You won't be alive long enough to withhold that information so I suppose I should tell you now. My name is uppermoon 2, or Douma."
Y/n POV:

As I suspected. I knew he must have been an upper rank due to the aura I felt from the Corp HQ.

"You're very cocky for an uppermoon, but I suppose that just is in your blood. If you have any." I say.

"Now don't go insulting me dear. Why don't you tell me your name before you die." 'Douma' says.

"And why should I tell you my name. I suppose I should tell you if it's the last thing you mutter before I decapitate you" I speak in a louder tone.

"Y/n." I say.

Douma POV:

Hmm that name sounds oddly familiar...


"Y/nnnnn-, That's not fair! You know I can't run as fast as you!" Young Douma whines.

"Hehe sorry Douma, it's just to funny that a girl can run faster than a boy!" Y/n's ancestor giggles.

Blood starts rushing to my face as a red tint splatters across my cheeks. Y/n's (ancestor) laugh is adorable. I can tell that she has noted my adoration because she immediately ran over to me, and wrapped me in her embrace.

"Ahh!" She says as she looses her balance and falls onto my chest.

"Oops sorry Douma." She says rushing to get off of me.

I pull her onto my chest and give her a small peck on her cheek.

"L-let's just stay here for awhile Y/n.." I say blushing.

She blushes back and lays her head in my neck.

"Okay Douma whatever you want." She says smiling into my neck.


...Y/n...I remember. She was my best friend when we were children. But I stopped seeing her ever since her family died. The last time I recall seeing her was whenever she disappeared. No goodbye. No "I'm leaving". No nothing.

"Hello? Are you listening?" She says a third time.

"Y/n.." I say.

"...Yes?" She says confused.

"I remember you." I say staring at her.

Y/n POV:

"I remember you." The uppermoon says.

Crazy demon. What does he mean 'I remember you'? I don't recall ever meeting an upper rank demon before.

"What do you mean, demon" I say.

The words roll off my tongue in a hatred matter.

"Don't call me that. I hate it." He says.

"We were childhood best friends. Y/n L/n." Douma says.

My face stays serious.

"Haha. You expect me to believe that? This is just a tactic to get me to let my guard down." I say.

Douma POV:

She doesn't believe me. How can I make her believe me. I don't want to kill my beloved Y/n.

"How can I make you believe me." I say in a serious tone.

"Demon, there is no way to make me believe you."

"And why is that." He says.

I start laughing like a psycho.

"Because I killed my childhood friend." I say.

I stop laughing. I'm not a murderer, and they weren't a human. They got turned into a demon when we were young. So I ended up slaughtering him.

He stares at me with a confused but serious look.

"It shouldn't be a burden to you anyways since you will die soon." I say.

"You make it sound as if I am weak." He says.

"Well the sun is coming up soon, and i'm not looking forward to a fight." I turn away from him starting to walk.

Douma POV:

I can't let her leave now that I've found her, if it even is her. I quickly move in front of her so that she can't get past.

"Move." She says in a hateful tone.

"I can't my let you leave, my dear. Now that I've found you again I don't want to lose you a second time." I say moving to grab her.

She quickly removes her katana from its sheath. She jumps back and stands in a fighting stance.

"I don't know what you mean by second time, but I will be leaving now." She says.

"Wisteria breathing! 2nd form, Weeping blossoms." She yells.

Vines filled with wisteria surround me as if it were a jail cell. She re-sheaths her sword as she walks away.

"I hope I don't see you again. If I do, your death won't be very painless." She says.

I can't touch the wisteria or I will get serious burns. Not that I can't heal from it but it takes much longer. I'll find her later.

"I'll come and get you later Y/n." I say to myself smiling.

Taisho era secrets:

Douma had a big crush on Y/n's ancestor as kids.

Y/n's family looks very alike so Douma assumed it was her ancestor.

Y/n's sword is detailed with wisteria and other purple demon warding flowers.

1023 words bbg 😔.

Peace (Demon slayer x Y/n)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant