• Chapter 7 •

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She looks tired as she faintly smiles.

"Would you like to sleep on my lap, Nezuko? You seem tired." I ask.

"Hmm, Hm!" She replies.

"Alright, so do you wanna lay on the be-"

She shrinks down in front of my eyes and climbs onto my lap.

"Well that's new." I say surprised.

She drifts to sleep on my lap as a stroke her hair. She reminds me of my little sister..



"nngh" Someone snores.

"Be quiet Sayuri!" Someone throws a pillow.

"owww... Y/n protect me from Kaede!" Sayuri groans.

"Kaede stop throwing pillows at-" My voice is muffled as a white fluffy pillow pushes into it.

My siblings both burst into laughter as i fall on the floor. I chuck a pillow back and that begins the start of a big pillow fight.

A little while later, we all fall over in exhaustion.

"Haha.. heh.,.he..."  I laugh.

Sayuri is already standing up.

"Best 8th birthday ever! Thanks Y/n and Kaede!" She cheers happily.

Her buck teeth and short hair show off her younger features.

As Sayuri said, she's turning 9, meanwhile Kaede is 14. I, however, am 13.

"Ah, children. Come eat, I made Sayuri a cake." Our mother gestured us to come toward her.

"A cake?! But mother, you said we only have enough money for groceries this week?" Kaede asked.

"Yes, well I worked a little longer this week and sold more kimonos than usual, so i had a little extra money to spend." Mother answered.

"Ah, speaking of.."

"Here, Sayuri. A gift."

She handed her a small pink box with a white ribbon tied around it. She opened it to find a pink kimono flowered with sakura blossoms.

"Thank you Mother!" Sayuri thanked her, smiling.

"Of course. now now, let's eat the cake before it goes bad." Our mom replies.

We all head to the table and sit down in our designated places. I look over to see my father's empty seat. I guess he's out drinking booze again. He hasn't been here in a few days, so i don't care what happens to him.

He used to love us, but stopped once my mother had Sayuri. He only stopped because Sayuri was diagnosed with type of cancer in her lungs. He didn't want to spend money on her treatment so she only has a few months to live. This is why I work a job and Kaede works 2 part-time. We try to afford treatment but we aren't anywhere near the amount needed.

"Itadakimasu!" Sayuri says before digging in.


I'm suddenly flying across the room.

My head collides with the wall behind me as I blink before passing out.

A few hours go by, possibly half an hour. I begin to awake rubbing my head. The sight I see when I awaken makes me want to vomit. My mother is sitting on a bloodied floor; holding both Kaede and Sayuris head in her lap.

They are both bloody, and injured. Not breathing. I run over, more like crawl due to head injury. I look up at my mom before tears begin spilling out. She's not injured but what she says next makes me bawl even harder.

"It's all my fault."

I look over to her left hand to see a butchers knife, with blood and..insides splattered across the blade. I see some kind of.. demon.. dead laying in front of her, crumbling away in the morning sunlight.

"M-mom, what happened..?" I manage to squeak out.

"It's all my fault."

"It's all my fault."


She suddenly stabs herself with the butchers knife. She does is atleast 10 times before I manage to grab the knife and throw it behind me.


"Why would you do that?.."



A day later

I had gathered all my belongings, a knife, some food, water, a kimono that my mother had made me...

I had to get as far away from that house. I- I can't be there any longer. I spent all of yesterday burying my family, and gathering food so that I can leave that.. murder house.

Ive walked for a long time now. I don't know what time it is, but all my water and food is gone. All I have is my kimono and my knife. I started to get tired, but needed to keep walking.

I suddenly trip on a rock and fall, falling right onto my face. Just before I pass out I see a man, blind in both eyes with short bobbed hair.

"Ah, do you need help my child?" He asked.

"Child, Do you need.."

His voice faded away and I passed out.

Taisho Era Secrets:

• Y/n's father is in a gang, so they made him leave his family or else they would kill them.

• The demon who murdered Y/n's family was a lower moon.

• Y/n's mother's name was Crystal, Her dads, Hatake.

Chap. 7 is FINALLY out. My wattpad is a little bit broken so this was supposed to be out like last week, but it wasn't allowing me to post it.


1270 words.

Peace (Demon slayer x Y/n)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora