He and Yeontan.

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Taehyung was visibly shaken after all the chaos that ensued in my home. We had just experienced a tumultuous event, and it had left him disoriented and anxious. Suddenly, his dog Yeontan, a fluffy Pomeranian with a playful temperament and a wagging tail, jumped onto his lap and nuzzled against him. Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at his dog and then back at me. The sight of Yeontan seemed to bring some comfort to Taehyung, and he stroked his furry friend's head for a few seconds as if to reassure himself that things were going to be okay. Meanwhile, I stood there in awe, watching the heartwarming bond between Taehyung and Yeontan unfold before my eyes.

In that touching moment, Taehyung reminisced about his beloved pet dog, Yeontan, who has been by his side for seven years. Later, Taehyung revealed that Yeontan has a serious heart condition, and has already undergone two surgeries. Unfortunately, both surgeries were unsuccessful, and there was a real risk of Tan not surviving. Despite this, Taehyung shared that every time the surgery was unsuccessful, Yeontan fought back and refused to give up on life. He expressed his immense gratitude and admiration for Tan's resilience and will to live.

The bond between Taehyung and Tan is truly heartwarming. It is a testament to the unconditional love that pets bring into our lives and the deep emotional connections that can be formed between humans and animals. Taehyung's words about Yeontan's bravery and determination brought tears to my eyes, and I am sure that many others can relate to the overwhelming love and gratitude that we feel towards our furry friends.

After that, I served a variety of snacks to Taehyung, including chips, popcorn, cookies, and fruit platters.

I gave fruits to Yeontan because I didn't have any dog food.

Him// KTH// Season-1/✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin