Midwestern Misadventure Pt 3

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Peter and Gloria pulled out in the Coug ahead of Anthony, who was in a gray SUV that blends into traffic, and disappears quite easily. They drove into the city, to the office building where Mrs. Goldsmith worked as a legal secretary. The Judge had called her, so she knew what to expect. Peter and Gloria drove around the block, and spotted the car from the school. The two guys in the green VW were watching the building.

Gloria said, "Roll up beside them, I have an idea."

"Gloria, I don't want you getting hurt, and I certainly don't want you to get killed. We play this my way."

"Peter, if we roll by slowly and I wave at them, they will chase us. Then your friend can sneak in, pick-up my mom, and sneak away. Right?" Peter had to concede she had a point.

She rolled down her window, and they went slowly driving by the car. Gloria smiled and waved at them in a flirtatious way. The two guys saw her, and the chase was on. She rolled up her window, and re-buckled her racing harness. They weaved through traffic, and the two guys struggled to keep up. The two guys turned a corner and disappeared, so Peter and Gloria doubled back to the office.

Her mom was just getting into Anthony's SUV, when Peter spotted the bad guys' car. He pulled over, and pointed it out to Gloria.

Peter and Gloria swung in behind Anthony, and followed him. The bad guys pulled out into traffic a few cars back.

Gloria asked, "Can we contact him? I have an idea."

"I'm afraid to ask."

"There are so many of those gray cars like your friend's. What if we were suddenly following the wrong one? Maybe one that went a different route?"

"You must watch a lot of those political thriller movies. I like it."

They have a walkie-talkie app on their phones, so Peter handed his to her, and told her how to use it. She keyed the mic.

"Anthony, it's Gloria. Find a car just like yours in the right lane, and change lanes just in front of it."

"Gloria, don't play with the phone. Where's Peter?"

"He's driving. He gave me his phone. How's Mom?"

"She's fine. She's scared and confused, and hearing your voice isn't helping." Anthony found a similar car, and cut in front of it. Peter dropped in behind it.

A couple of miles later, they had opened a small gap. The car Peter and Gloria were behind was preparing to turn, so they followed it into the left-turn lane. Gloria was watching the car with the two guys, and was telling Peter what they were doing. She let out a deep breath.

"They followed us. It worked." After a few blocks, they followed the gray SUV onto the freeway.

Gloria called Anthony, "They followed us. You're in the clear. Get Mom to safety. We'll see you soon."

He replied, "Gloria, I told you to stop playing with the phone. Children these days." Peter and Gloria continued to stay with the gray SUV. It started changing lanes, trying to get away. Peter stayed with it as it weaved through traffic. Peter and Gloria finally dropped back, and took an exit. He was hoping the bad guys would assume it was a ruse, and follow the SUV. But it didn't work. The bad guys followed them. Peter gave the Coug a boot full, and they started to get away, only to get cut-off by a moving truck. Peter had to make an emergency right turn. As they skidded around the corner, the left-rear corner of the Coug just missed hitting the back of the moving truck.

Peter and Gloria found they were on a dead-end road. The guys from the school followed them. It was getting dark, heavy clouds were rolling in. Gloria rolled down her window.

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