A Sandwich interrupted

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A few weeks later, Gloria and Margo were studying together for fall term finals. They were hungry, and decided to visit a local sandwich shop. They sat down to eat their sandwiches, and talk about boys.

Margo said, "I know Jack isn't the best looking guy in school, but he's been flirting with me since school started. Not to mention what a great kisser he is."

"How far are you hoping to go with him?"

"A ring. His last name. Grand-kids." They both giggled.

Margo asked, "Are there any guys you have your eye on?"

"Not really. None of the guys at school do anything for me. They're all too boring."

"So there aren't any guys you might be curious about?"

"There is that really skinny guy, Jordan Sommaren. He's so quiet, and standoffish. I always wonder what he's really up to."

A guy in his mid-twenties walked up to the counter. He was wearing a hoodie, and ratty jeans. He pulled out an Astra Cub .22 caliber pocket pistol.

"Empty the till! Give me the cash!"

Gloria stood, drawing her pistol.

"Federal agent! Drop the gun! Drop it now!" She started moving toward the guy, keeping her pistol pointed at him. He started turning toward her, so she cocked the hammer. He froze.

She said, "Put the gun on the counter, and step away!" He did, and she moved toward the counter.

"Move toward the door, and lay face down on the floor. Keep your hands where I can see them!" As the guy laid down, Gloria heard Margo calling the cops.

"My friend has a guy on the floor, at gunpoint. I'm afraid she's going to shoot him." Gloria's focus never left the guy.

"Margo, I'm a federal agent. I'll only shoot him if he doesn't behave himself."

A minute later the police began arriving. Gloria pulled out her NSA ID. The first two officers entered with their pistols drawn. Gloria held up her ID.

"I'm National Security Agency junior agent Gloria Goldsmith. This guy's weapon is laying on the counter. Charge him with attempted armed robbery."

An officer arrested the robber. Another officer made Gloria hand over her pistol while her identity was confirmed.

Once the incident was over, Margo had questions for Gloria. Margo was nervous, and visibly upset.

"Gloria, what the hell? Since when do you carry a gun? And that badge? When did you become a fed?"

"When my dad had that case, and we were in hiding. Peter gave me my pistol, and taught me how to use it. Alex got my ID for me."

"So do you carry that thing at school, too?"


"Geez, Gloria. You are my best friend. I thought I knew you. What else don't I know about you?"

"That I left my favorite pair of socks at the farm."

"Gloria, I'm being serious."

"So am I – I love those socks. Margo, this was the one secret I was keeping from you. Now that you know, please don't tell anyone."

Margo and her dad visited the farm during Christmas vacation. They were going to keep a low profile until he could testify about the conspiracy to kill the Judge. A year later, the Supreme Court announced they were taking the case of the appeal. Peter had resettled at the farm, and had taken a couple quick security consulting jobs. He took Gloria on one, she scared the guy they were working for. Peter's team joined Gloria's family visiting Allen when he graduated from SEAL training. Alex was able to introduce him to some close friends – high ranking Navy officers who had served as SEALs.

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