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He was tracking his quarry around the Sports Complex, in downtown Marrakesh, Morocco. He peeked out from behind the dumpster, and drew a bead on his prey, less than 50 feet distant. He eased back the hammer on his Sig-Sauer P-220, 45-ACP caliber pistol, and steadied his aim. He was just about to squeeze off the shot, when his radio earpiece buzzed.

"Dingo! Abort mission! I say again, abort mission!" He thumbed the hammer release, and eased it down, but didn't stop aiming his pistol.

He whispered, "What do you mean, abort mission? We were sent to take this guy out."

"I just got a call, straight from the top. They want him left alone."

"But he's an active threat to the U.S. and our allies. How can we just let him go?"

"Those are the orders, Dingo. We have to follow them. I'll meet you at the rendezvous point."

"See you in Casablanca." He unscrewed the six-inch barrel extender, holstered his pistol, and snuck away.

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