"Not again, not here"

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Eileen woke up quite early. She would go to the set for the first time today. The fittings and reunion with the producers were a couple of weeks ago, and she was surprised they still liked her without even questioning much. Her biggest job ever. She could finally get her family out of that gross situation.

She sits on her bed quietly, trying not to wake her little brother, who had a long week. While cuddling with a crying Ava. With their father at home, everything gets more difficult. Without smelling any smoke or alcohol anymore, she sighs in relief.

Getting ready, she puts on some blue jeans with a random white oversized shirt, completing it with a white wool trendy sweater that she wasn't sure it was hers. While mumbling a song she heard in the subway, Ellie takes an old apple from the fridge and bites it, making a face as she does it.

" Eileen?" She hears a very familiar voice, followed by a cough

" Hey, mom! Do you need something?" She goes for the small dirty bedroom that her sick mom was spending her days on

" No, sweetie. I'm fine. " she says smiling, gentily touching her daughter's face and hair "you are so pretty, you know" her mom says, her eyes finding her daughter's blode hair and her pretty green-ish eyes, those beautiful but watery eyes.

" Thank you, mom. You know, i got a great job a couple of weeks ago... Today is my first day, and i hope it will - I mean, it will get us out of here, and we can even get a better treatment for you." she says excited

" Sunshine, you don't need to worry about me. Do whatever you think is the right thing, as long as it gets you out of trouble, ok?" She says with a sad smile." You should go, so you don't get late on the first day, ok? I love you so much, baby." Maeve gives her a nod and runs out of the apartment


" Eileen, right? I'm Michelle. I'll be the one responsable for you while you're on set" the woman says with a handshake "ok, so, now we're gonna get you to your trailer, so you can het more confortable, so tomorrow we can try on some more costumes amd makeup and get more info about the text, okay?" Ellie nodded, faking a smile

The walk through the set was going pretty smooth, although her feet were kinda sore because of the bad quality of her old shoes.

"So, this is your trailer. It has everything you need for the day while you stay here." Michelle added, fake smiling."I'm sorry, Eileen, but I gotta go figure out something really fast. You should- uhm explore your trailer while I'm out. Just don't leave here." The woman  said as she pulled her ringing phone closer to her face and left fast.

"I guess that's it, then." Eileen whispered for herself and got into the trailer

Pov. Ellie

This trailer is hella pretty. I mean, who uses all of this? It even has a comfortable bed on it. A kitchen, a cool, small bathroom.

To be honest, I'm starting to freak out. I have nothing to do for now. Just be in your trailer is not something I've been told before at work. It really is weird.

I sit down at the sofa it has there, too. It's an incredibly comfortable sofa. I love this place. Mom, Anthony, and Ava would love it too. Not dad, though. He would open some beers and let the whole place upside down. I just wish every day that he just leaves, as always, but never comes back. But, he always does, and I hate it.

I checked on my phone. 10:15 AM. Wait, did I let Anthony know he should help Ava get in the school bus with him or not to forget to grab their food on the fridge? I did not. I'm so fucking unresponsable. I try to call the house number, but no one picks it up. Shit.

What if they loose the bus and then Dad comes home and find them. What would he do to them?

Not again, please. Not here.

My breath is unsteady and my legs feel weak. I look down at my hands and see them shaking. Why does this always have to happen? I sit on the floor and try to focus on other stuff. All the cool stuff on the trailer. The voices outside. The knock on the door. Wait, knock on the door?

I try the best to control my breath, hoping that whoever is behind that door don't open it without asking. That would be so awkward and embarrassing. Come on what do you see? A faucet, some pans and plates, my bag. Well, it is getting better. I look for a couple more things until my breath is steady again so I can open the door.

I unlock the door and find a woman I haven't meet yet.

"Hi, you are Eileen, right? Thought I should come by to say hello and welcome you to the crew." The woman said, leaving me kinda confused. I had no idea who she was
"Lizzie wanted to come, but she had to figure out some other buissness. I'm Scarlett, by the way"

" Uhm, yes, that's me." I chuckle. Well, they think I'm a good actress, so why not to rely on that? " Thank you, really. Nice to meet you Scarlett" I said. Ok, now it was getting awkward. I have no idea what to speak when I meet new people. I hide my hands behind my back as soon as I feel them start to shake again. Scarlett's eyes follow my hands, making me uncomfortable. But, I guess I should say something? Don't I?

" You-uhm, want to get in?" I say, immediately regretting. Why would she want to get in my trailer if she has, for sure, a better one. And, I mean, it's probably super normal to her a trailer at work.

" Oh, I would love to-" " Scarlett, they need you at Feige's office, now." Sombody calls her, and honestly, I'm not either surprised or upset. Sure, I'd like to meet someone new ( big lie, though), but I want to focus on work, and work only. I know I always say the exact same thing, but it is what I want the most at this moment  " Oh, honey, I'm sorry, but I guess I'll have to go...but how about I give you my number. We're gonna be together a lot for the next months, so why not? " She says with a conforting smile, giving me a piece of paper. My ADHD could only think of why she was carrying a piece of paper with her number on it.

Scarlett had to go, leaving me all by myself and my thoughts one again. I gotta stay here until Michelle comes back, I guess, so why don't listen to some music while thinking about how to solve my problems? Yep, that's a good idea.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Until now, I'm enjoying being an actor. I spent the most part of the day trying clothes and makeup on and being check on by Michelle. So, I guess it is time to go back home, before Anthony and Ava get there, so I can help to stop anything bad that could happen.

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