"I'm Sorry "

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Pov Eileen

I feel my heart in my throat as I strongly grip my hands against the jacket on my lap. She hadn't seen my face, had she? I mean, I didn't turn back after I got that money, so I'm assuming she's not recognizing me. I can feel a pair of eyes on me, but I don't dare to check on whose eyes are these, even though I'm pretty sure whose.

My makeup artist is testing something on me, which, I may say, is not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. Plus, it gives me an excuse not to move or say much.

POV Lizzie

The atmosphere is really uncomfortable in the moment, and I'm not sure why it is, so it's making me mad. There's no other sound than the steps of the makeup artists filling the room, and once in a while , text messages from someone's phone.

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