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chapter five. lipgloss


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( the present )

       THE NEXT MORNING Claire sat in front of her vanity brushing out her hair while listening to the on of her many vinyl records play from across the room.

Audrey had already left for the dining hall after Claire told her to leave without her seeing as she woke up a little later than she usually did. She had approximately fifteen minutes still till her first class started, she was making good time.

As she began to push back half her hair into an up do with on of her lilac claw clips, there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?"

"It's me!" The voice behind the door spoke as if it was obvious to who was there. Then again it was obvious to Claire who it was, even with just two words.

"Come in, Beasty."

"How'd you know it was me?" Ben came through the unlocked door carrying a little to-go box.

"Call it; girlfriend intuition."

Looking through her mirror at the man that stood behind her, she asked "what's that?" Referring to the box in his hands.

"What this?" Ben teased giving the box a a little shake. He leading down the kiss Claire's cheek before responding, keeping eye contact with her through the mirror. "I bumped into Audrey and she mentioned that you woke up a little later than usual, so I brought you breakfast."

"Really!?" Claire squealed, turning to take the box from her boyfriend. And her she was thinking she have to go without the first meal of the day. "What'd you get me?"

"Fruit and a chocolate croissant. Your usual."

"Aw. Thanks Benji." She stood pulling him down to give him a proper kiss on his lips.

As the pulled about Ben wined wiping his lips. Claire spoke with an innocent little pout at the sight, "what?"

"You're wearing the sticky stuff." he accused.

"My lipgloss?" "Yeah."

"Oh you poor thing," Claire jokingly teased. Her face know wearing a fake pout as she held Ben face in her hands to keep him still, using her thump to wipe away the remaining lip gloss on his lips.

"Now I can't kiss you without getting it all over me. Why can't you wear the other one? The one that doesn't stick."

"Cause this one lasts longer and I have to look pretty for the future King," Claire laughed.

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