False Botanist

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-Alert, this will likely be the worst since It is completely theoretical idea. But anyways, HERE WE GO

I am looking around Thieves Den. Biograft was around making sure no one jumped out from one of the hiding spots while I gathered some ingredients. People assume mushrooms are a non threat until they take a whiff of the wrong mushroom and just fucking die, Cracks me up. Wonder if I could possibly tip Biograft's blades with some of that poison. I hear something in a bush to my left inturupting that thought. "Biograft. Get whoever is in there out." I order pointing to the bush knowing I keep forgetting to upgrade Biograft's AI from a rusty toaster to a human brain. "UNDERSTOOD." He said launching into the bush, a small scuffle can be heard and a yell.

"Well for builder-man's sake, don't kill them." I walk over as biograft is holding a woman by the neck. She just seemed like a civilian until I saw her arm. It was... Tree Bark? "ORDERS SIR?" Biograft asked "Put her down. But make sure she isn't going anywhere." I say as his holds his swords in a scissor formation around her neck.

"W-who are you!?" She said semi bravely semi fearful. "I am a Botanist from Blackrock. I heard of a quite excellent plant diversity and I came to do some study." I responded in my more friendly voice I could do. "Plants here are... different... I wouldn't suggest-" She said before I cut her off "I would request that you follow me, I might be able to help your arm. It seems... Odd to say the very least." I lie. I have my own reasons why to bring her, I know what happened, I know how I can use it. This girl could be very... VERY useful!


"Excuse me?" I ask, shocked that she didn't fear biograft still with his blades ready to behead her here and now "No, I will not come with you, I don't care if you could fix me. I will not help Blackrock destory my home!" She protested. "Well. Sadly I am not giving you a choice. Biograft, Knock her out and bring her to the lab. chain her up somewhere where I can deal with her later." I sigh "YES SIR." He responded she doesn't resist being knocked out. Odd. Odd is what she is, Oh well.

As Biograft is walking out of hearing range a shuriken fly right past me. I throw my mist potion on the ground and dash to a open field with very few places to hide. For both of us that is.

"Where is Vine!" A voice somewhere inside the forest yells, clearly not interested in talking much else unless I give a answer". But of course. that's the neet part. I don't intend to care

"Why should I tell a assassin?" I yell back "You peace of shit!" a grapple is thrown next to me and a katana is held against my neck "I can cover this Shuriken..." the Calm voice with the katana says. "Now, I saw all that, I could kill you now, I would love to kill you now, But you are unfortunately my only way to find his sister, so, You are going to tell me or I will put you through agony."

It seems I have got myself in a predicament. Fortunately. "Well first, MEET... MY GREATEST CREATION!"

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