Aced sharpshooter

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((So sorry for the wait, I am working on other things a lot, so I am going to make this a weaker chapter, pls don't be a rat about it))

The cold of blackrock was my mentor.
What do I mean by that?
Simple, never let the target forget you exist, and make the kill clean

the sound of a rifle rings out throughout the halls of the rich.

Its really funny, when the rich think they are safe, I take orders from no man, I take orders from my missions, If I get payed, I do the job, Simple as that. Todays target is Subspace, he got away from the last shot, but he was damn lucky. The Biograft's come out and look for who shot the rifle after there master, course, the pitbull doesn't see the raven

another shot rings out, a Biograft falls to the ground

The rich look down on the poor, Blackrock is a crual mother to be born from. But it strengthens you, trains you with the cold winds, and the master, the wind, teaches you...

a charged shot is heard, 5 Biografts fall

...Til the damned decaying winter... then it doesn't teach you...

I teleport down and run to the lab

...It tests you...

I find the betagraft, who seems confused

"Wh0 ar3 y0u? why ar3 y0u h3r3?" It asked

"..." I refused to respond, and pushed it out of the way. The betagraft looked hurt from that? Wasn't it a machine?

"Oh hello there, Hyperlaser! Came for my head I bet?  Even on my designs birthday?! how disrespectful! But, listen. I will pay you more then any one of your clients could if you just stop. You could enjoy the party, watch the storm, who knows? Up to you my friend!" Subspace walks from the left corridor 

"Hmmm... Fine, but one question before I leave, may I take the betagraft with me? I doubt you could need it" I asked, I really just wanted someone to teach, very few were going to listen to me or be patent with me, I was willing to give a machine a try. "Sure my friend! I have the design for them either way, so if I for some reason needed one I can easily make another!" Subspace laughed "So, what we talking? How much your payed for taking my head?"

"800m bux" I explained

"Damn, someone really wanted my head, I can get you 900m. Deal?" Subspace asked "Make it 950m and you have a deal." I said

"Expensive as always. Oh well, here you go." He gives me the briefcase "Now betagraft, you go with him and listen to him, understood." He told the betagraft

"Und3rst00d, sir..." The betagraft said, nervous was what it likely felt if it did have emotions, We walked out of the building, Biografts non-hostile yet intentionally looking away from me.

I don't care if I might get in some more trouble with the people who hired me originally.

I am a simple man, one who has learned from the thing that wanted to kill him.

Sometimes, its not about telling the truth...

Sometimes, its about getting out alive, and making the most of the opportunity's you get...

The storm outside howls, I stay and enjoy the party, the winter has come, even in my armor, Its far too cold, so we wait it out...

I remember the times when I saw the first party, locked outside I used the little bit of air conditioning to try and stay warm. It worked. I see a kid doing the same thing.

"You want to come in kid?" I open the door and ask "B-But...I-I'm n-not allo-owed..." he said

"I will let it slide, besides, there is no direct rule, if you ever need a spot to go, however, when I'm not around, inside that mountain has enough insulation to stay a normal temperature, But for now, just come in kid, should be plenty of spots for you to be." I say "T-thank you, Mr." the kid thanks

"Why did y0u l3t that kid insid3?" Betagraft asked "Well its because I was just like him, And I am not gonna let some kid have to turn out like me to make it in life." I explained

"0dd..." the machine said to itself

"Heh. Think of it this way, That storm is a teacher that doesn't teach, it tests. A brutal son of a bitch that test is." I said before I simply leaned into the wall and close my eyes.

"Wonder what happened to Mason and Sinister after that storm..."

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