Requests + 100?!?! WHAT THE JEVIL?!

61 4 6

MK so first, 100???? HOW THE HELL?! anyways, thx yall for that, its fuckin crazy. Yall are mentally crazy to witness me do this shit.

Now, request rules, short and more might be added

-1: Be reasonable, I aint going to do a long ass story about something I am not too interested in

-2: OC's, You can have em, but I need your OC, and its character traits

-3: No ships! I am NOT going to be doing the ships, I watch that shit from the sidelines, not cookin that shit up to be verbally yelled at by ship ramsey.

-4: Other roblox communitys, wanna send me some? Go ahead, But make the game make sense in the universe.

-5: U get 3 warnings if ur thing breaks it, u can gain a warning back if I get a milestone. And if u someone who I just personally am bias to I give u maybe 5 or 6, but when u out of warnings u get blocked til next milestone, I don't need my notifications filled with shit against the rules I set

If u need classifications on shit, thats fine, ask away

And of course

See you in hell!

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