Genius's design

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Accepted with pleasure. I run into the highway, a car hits me, I use my horns and throw it off the bridge. More cars are in my way, I charge through them, each one being thrown or crushed, I look around for mechanical signals, But a red hyperlaser is behind me, I swing around and slash him down

"Enough machine, I work for your creator, And I know where they are, Follow me."

"Why should I trust you?" I ask, Pointing my weapons at him.

"Because, How else are you going to find them if they are hidden somewhere you don't have access to?" He brings up a valid point

"Fine, human, Bring me to them."

We walk around, eventually arriving at the top of the tower in the middle "Watch out for planes boys." He jokes "I do not have humor detectors. So I do not know if I would laugh or not." I respond honestly "You would laugh but shouldn't."

I see two of the icons, Dom and Valk. Talking with the targets

"Targets spoted!" I try to charge at them but the Red hyperlaser stops me "Don't be a moron, You know you don't win that fight, Be patient, take them on when they are vulnerable."

"They were."

"Not when you nearly yelled to loud they heard you." He makes a fair point, I see them slowly walk away. Separating themselves, I go after the hyperlaser first

We follow him back to a allyway where he says "I know your here... some come on out, machine and faker."

"Great observation by you, huh. Oh well. Get him machine." The red hyperlaser orders, I tag him with my laser before dashing right into him, I swing like a savage but the hyperlaser fires a concussion grenade staggering me, before charging a shot from his rifle, dealing high damage, I dash behind him kicking him down, he teleports and with his pre-charged shot fires, I barely dodge it, I knock him into the wall with my horns. "DIE ALREADY!" I yell, a small crowd has formed around us, people were watching. Hyperlaser tried to teleport away, but I impale his helmet, killing him, blood stained on my weaponry, I push through the crowd, I turn the corner to find Medkit and Sister. "Trators spotted. ELIMINATE!" I yell, Sister turns around and blocks my rage filled attacks. I didn't care, I kept attacking "MEET YOUR DEMISE!"

She kicked me to the ground before disarming me, I run and punch her rapidly, but she impales me. "What was the error in my design? C-reator. I. Am. The. Perfect. DESIGN!" I yell kicking her away before charging horns first at Medkit, he unloaded every bullet into my armor, not even denting it. I slam him into a metal wall "Damit!" He yells. I will succeed! No matter how much they tr-

Stabbed in the back by Sister... Its over...

----Sorry, mostly filler ish and not much effort in this one----

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