File: SOF

48 3 9

Survival of the fittest

A thing I was taught a bit by Hyperlaser. Before Brother killed him... I was standing over his body, I knew his vitals were negative. I just internally cried. I ran to Creator Medkit.

"Is he alright?"

"No. His Vitals are negative..." I said looking down at the ground.

"GOD DAMIT SUBSPA- ow ow ow..." He was cut off, in pain coughing up blood I grabbed him and ran around looking for wherever miss scythe was, a friend of medkit I was aware of, maybe she could help? I ran to the badlands. Ariving with Sir medkit's vitals getting lower and lower.

"Get your hands off kit, Machine!" A female voice rang out, multiple bullets were fired at me "Help Sir medkit! Please Madam Scythe!" I Yell out hoping she heard. I hear the sound of someone landing on the ground.

"What happe- Holy shit kit you yell at me for being poor at taking care of myself and this happens!?" Madam scythe quickly inspects Sir Medkit, grabbing his medical supplies, using a tornakit to heal internal bleeding, and using splints to heal the broken bones.

"I don't have the experience for really helping kit, but thanks for helpin love."

"Oh hello Beta-graft. How have you been so far?" Sir subspace claps and walks up to us, still keeping a far distance between us

"Go fuck yourself Subspace, You know dam well for Ghostwalker's sake why kit left blackrock." Madam scythe hisses like a viper "Oh please cowgirl, you have no right to talk here, now, you two give me meddy, and we don't have to resort to... drastic measures." Subspace threatened, not realizing I had tagged him with a laser.

"No. More. Orders." I dash and knee him in the jaw. I shatter his crystal containment tank on his back "Wha- YOU SCUM! GET THEM BIO-GRAFTS!!!" He yells, the Bio-grafts run at me, but back off, I grabbed brothers data chip, people with 2 data chips have the same power, so they wouldn't attack me or madam scythe since subspace forgot to give himself a 3rd data chip


"Orders canceled by unknown." The bio-grafts said

"Well then. So be it. MEET THE GREATEST CREATION!" Subspace summoned a blackhole, but it was unstable due to his crystal containment tank being broken. The blackhole nearly destroyed all the bio-grafts, stole Sir medkits gun, and took subspace with it, he had one last thing to say "I WILL FIND YOU!!! TRAITOR!!!" before he was gone


"Dam, looks like son of a bitch had to one up you with that attack." Madam Scythe laughed, I was confused what was so funny about that. "I do not understand your humor. Can you explain?"

"You were a badass! You played your cards like a genius! But he had to one up you and kill himself for it." She proclaims. Me? Genius? Was this a taunt?

"I haven't even gone to school. I am no genius." I explain, But I notice a smile is locked on my face, I try to make a more dignified face but just make it look worse

"Then your a prodigy kid!" Scythe gave me a ' 'noggie' ' as I was told later. I didn't know how to react to it, so I just froze. "Oh come on kit, wakey wakey, heads and shitty subspace!" Madam scythe mocked Creator Medkit while he slept

"So, How long until he wakes up?" I ask

"0" Sir Medkit said as he slowly got up

"Oh, finally kit, I was starting to get worried!" Madam scythe laughed.

"So, whats the plan?" Sir medkit asks

"Ya'll can just stay at my place for a while, I have no reason to be inpatient or leave you to wait for a train. Kid, hold kit, I'll lead ya'll to my place." Madam scythe orders I nod and pick up Sir medkit on my back "Ow... Yea that still hurts..." Creator Medkit grunted as we walked.

The wind...

It howls loudly...

Something is off...


"Learn from the wind, if a random gust of strong wind stays for a while, that means something bad is going to happen. Get cover from where the wind is blowing.

"Yes, Sir Hyperlaser."


"Run!" I yell as a run for cover, a loud ring of a railgun is heard. Madam scythe is fine. Same as Creator Medkit.

"Holy ban-land." Madam Scythe curses "Run to the house right there, there is a bunker to wait the assasin out!" She yells I nod, running as fast as I can. Another shot is fired out. Scythe is still firing from where the shot came from, drawing the attention of the assassin. I got in the bunker and put Sir medkit down "Go help Scythe! She needs it." I shake my head. "I need to protect you, You saved me. I'll save you.

"No! I'm safe here! You need to-" Creator Medkit was cut off by a bullet ripping through the bunker walls. which means it shot through the dirt and had enough momentum to get through the steel walls.

"Survival of the fittest... sometimes something you get taught by someone smarter isn't true heh..." I mumble

I stand up, walk to the entrance of the bunker, I was prepared for him the enter.

No further. He will not hurt sir kit! Or atleast... I thought...

I lowly hear

"Death is a constant, welcome it."

Before I understood what was happening

-BAM!- -Fizzle-

A railgun shot right through the bunker and my core...

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