not a bad guy

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next mourning I woke up and stretched, america cuddled under my arm still asleep. It made me giggle as i snapped another picture, selfie I think they call it? this was just to cute to ignore! I slowly got up not trying to wake him, he had a tight grip on my scarf though. it only made me smile and wrap my scarf around his neck. *click click* I took another picture and twirled around happiliy, having a friend is fun! I went to the kitchen and started on breakfast. "I hope he likes it! and if he doesn't I beat his face with pipe da! wait? comrades don't hurt comrades!" I pouted but quickly replaced it with a smile. afterall what's the point of having a friend if your going to hurt them right? so america is going to be safe with me! I'll protect him and be his hero! teehee I don't have to be a villian no more! I've been pushed around violently by the world, but when I finally push back it points and cries evil! I'm not evil! I'm no bad! "yo Ivan what's wrong broski?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my comrades loud yet cheerful voice. "oh nothing I'm fine da!" he gave me the 'better tell the truth look' "dude I know you good enough to see threw that fake smile, tell me what's bothering you" I looked down slightly but told him anyway. "so you don't want to known as the bad Guy right?" I nodded feeling tears in the brim of my eyes. "then let's show everyone your a good Guy! so wipe those tears and smile! not that damn fake smile either!" I wiped my tears beginning to smile, tightly hugging him.

the next few months have been a blast! he makes me feel happy, and warm inside.... I love him.... but that can't be right! being gay in my country is a crime and my boss even said we're going to war with america! so how can I love something I'm suppose to hate? I..I don't want to hurt him. but China made me kidnap him! he wanted to end americas life quietly and fast so our bosses wouldn't give america a very long, painful one..... it was China's way of mercy I suppose..... I let america escape though, the feeling in my heart wouldn't stop hurting. my boss dropped the nukes on him so.... america wasn't gonna last much longer. he knows I never wanted this.... my eyes widened when he quickly placed his lips on mine. "heh guess the heros not gonna last to long huh? well it was fun when it lasted... ya wanna know something funny dude? I have no regrets I'm happy, your still not a bad Guy ivan" his words echoed in my ear bringing me to tears... if only I could die with him......

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