aiya yaa yaa

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China's p.o.v.

"you let that Burger eating bastard escape aru?!?" I hissed at the stupid Russian kneeing him in the gut, he had the nerve to tell me america escaped. "how the fuck do we execute him if he escaped baichi! your so damn stupid Ivan!" I cursed in my native language pissed. my boss wanted america dead so I'm gonna kill him first! heh I've destroyed his precious nation already, his states are to weak to put up a fight anymore! one more bomb and his precious nation is gone "ugh why must I do everything myself aiya!" I left and started my search. I know everything about Beijing there's no way he can hide from me. I finally spotted america running terribly out of breath. "ever since the revolutionary war I've proven myself as a strong nation but if its destroyed then.... all those people who died will be in vain!" ugh he's so annoying! I punched him dead in the face tackling him down. "you think your such a hot shot aru! why do you always think your better then me aiya!" I punched him over and over yet he gave me the most innocent of looks. "stop it aru! stop looking at me like that! your damn innocent eyes and motives on freedom! I hate you! I hate you! die! die! burn in hell! disappear just like holy Rome! your a dirty traitor working with that bitch kiku! we were once friends aru but you just had to go to kiku! you traded my friendship for his! I hate you! I hate you!" he coughed a bit of blood giving me a pitying look. "so that's why your full of hate and anger, because I friended kiku..... you just can't get over the sino war! that scar he left on your back when he betrayed you" I started punching him harder and harder, feeling tears build up in my eyes. "shut up! shut up! shut up! shut up!" w..why wasn't he fighting back? did he know his nations being destroyed? was he ready for his death? did he know he'd fall? as I started strangling him he choked out diffently in pain. "I m..may have allied him but just remember w..who aided you in that war, full of hatrad and pain t..this isn't the y..yao I..I remember! t..this isn't that sweet nation I u..used to know!" my eyes widen slightly as I loosened my grip slightly. " aiya t..then why? why'd you Allie him after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?" his breathing started to slow down and he was panting. "its better to have more allies then enemies right? you taught me that yourself, after we got revenge for Pearl harbor they s...surrendered so w..what's the point in h..holding a grudge I..if we h..hit back ten times h..harder" I got quiet and just stared at him, removing my hands from his throat. he looked up at the stars in the sky smiling weakly, so I looked up to, realizing what I've done. "look at all those stars yao-yao! soon I'm going to be one like holy Rome" a few tears slid down his cheeks. poor america was scared.... yet he tried so hard to be positive about it to. "don't say that aru t..there's still time!" he chuckled slightly, knowing his soon to be fate. "you know as well as I do I'm done for dude" he coughed more blood still not taking his eyes off the sky. "heh the party's kinda dying huh, make sure to smile for me when I'm gone ok? make sure the others smile to! I don't want any frowns ok?" even though I caused him all this pain he still wants me to smile.... we've treated him terriblely as a nation and now there's nothing we can do about it... I whimpered. "Duibuqi america aru... Duibuqi america aru... Duibuqi america aru...." I said over and over letting my tears fall. his breathing slowed dangerously low, his eyes started fading. beautiful eyes once that shined brighter then diamonds now turning emotionless and dull "I try to move my arm and there's no feeling and when I look I see nothing there, something warm is flowing down my fingers, pain is flowing all through my back, life is flowing out of my body, pain is flowing out with my blood, the ground is red and moist where I'm laying oh God in heaven.... teach me how to die" (that's the ending to slender woods by the way) I held his hand waiting for him to go cold. "Duibuqi you have to die such a painful death aru.... you were too young to die" i hummed a sad chinese lullaby as he was dead silent, not a single word escaping his lips. he was cold, and had no pulse, no heart beat either, he was gone. I stood up guilt taking over, his blood all over me. I cried picking some pretty flowers to place them in his arms. i wanted to make him look beautiful and at peace. gently i closed his eyes whispering a sweet prayer for him. I looked at my watch and it was exactly twelve a clock the fourth of July.... "happy birthday aru... I'll miss you my friend"

  little did I know americas allies were aiding his states but the Allie that wanted the most revenge wasnt Britain nor France hell not even Canada.... it was south Korea. yong-soo was always obsessed with america! always wanting his attention. I didn't know americas bombs were transferred to him until the bombs hit my nation hard. as I was being bombed Russia's nation got hit to! pretty badly, he got it worse then I did. americas body wasn't were I left it either, I knew we deserved this for our sin and the damage would be great...... they thankfully stopped since we surrendered not wanting them to bomb Beijing or moscow next. the look on yong-soos face scared me he gave just the most sinister smile. america wasn't dead... his nation like always grew stronger, his citizens... all of them doing what ever they can to help there nation, just like in the other world wars americas nation proved strength and loyalty even after all these years. it was survival of the fittest and america had will, hope, strong citizens, and gods mercy to survive. but just the look on everyone's face when america stepped into the meeting room a little banged up but other wise alive and well. everyone was happy, I was happy! but..... just seeing Ivan's face when america walked in, how he tackled him in a hug, how he cried tears of freaking joy! I knew Ivan was in love


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